Oniichan wa Oshimai

i want to be the little girl

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We all do.

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It's surprisingly good. Anime adaption when?


wonder whats sisters endgame
newfags will never understand

i just want to be the little girl

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Is it yuri?

not yet

It could be yuri but the MC cockblocks himself constantly.
But it could still happen though, the other girls lust after him/her like they're unironic Zig Forums users.

I miss moot.


I miss your mom.

Even worse than trannies, genderbender.

>wonder whats sisters endgame
she just wants to fulfill a mans dream of becoming a cute little girl
every man deep down wants to be cute and have cut things and wear cute clothes

>One morning, an older brother wakes up to find that he has turned into a little girl from his younger sister's drugs.
It's really shit then, it's like some poor level of author instead of creating yuri story they need to put a guy in them as a girl so everything would be kept "straight" for the virginial male audience.


what kind of gay motherfucker do you gotta be not to want to be the little girl

you have to pretty gay to want to be a little girl

cope harder retard
only real men want to be the little girl

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is not healthy to want to be a little girl user.
real men don't want that

Fuck off Zig Forumstard.

Im pretty sure that's wrong. Onii-chan wanted friends and his sister wanted a little sister, being turned into a loli is mostly a side-effect

you sound imsecure user
what if i told you that its ok to want to be the little girl as long as you don't act on it and become some disgusting tranny?
would you feel better about admitting your girly desires it then?

i don't have girl desires user.
did you feel attack because i point it is not normal not what real men want

Worst fucking meme of neo Zig Forums.

Fuck off Abdul.

>i don't have girl desires user
yes you do, stop lying to yourself

what Abdul? jojo?

keep insisting won´t make it come true.

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I want to be a fat old ugly balding wageslave man surrounded by little girls

Mira is so great. And I love how yuri this series gets.

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