Heaven's feel

I just want a gf like Sakura so we can both hug each other and validate our existence without caring about the outside world. This makes me feel so miserabe fuck

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Man the fights of HF have been so good I can wait till part 3 comes out in theaters after rona is gone
While I do appreciate shirou and sakuras relationship ufotable fight scenes are always what I find to be the most memorable

So you want a slut?

He said sakura, not rin

Rin's canonically a virgin user.

Holy cringeroni

Rin is canonically a bislut


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Lmao faggot


You mean a girl who's horny all the time? No, not really. Just someone equally broken so we can lick each other's wounds and be happy together
Yeah, I know

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He didn't say rhino or sabre tho

>Rin canonically fucks old men


t. Wormfag

Don't feel miserable fuck, user
I'm sure your Sakura awaits somewhere in this world, I have no idea how you'll reach her in her trapped basement though
(She's probably not as hot as Sakura btw)

I just want a gf

Sorry user, but that's a fast trip to a toxic relationship and an ugly breakup. Codependency doesn't work.

Get off Zig Forums and hit the gym, you're gonna make it.

Why do normalfags hate intimate relationships so much. If you love the other person you're always gonna enjoy their company. Living alone is way too painful. I'm never gonna understand people who ghost you because you're "too clingy"

>Living alone is way too painful
You're the normalfag here

I wish. I'm just really bad at coping

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With what are you coping?

Deescalating levels of hope in this post

I'm too old for a Sakura gf but I still want a Sakura gf

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Loneliness. What else

Poor Kariya-kun

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If you want to fight loneliness stop COOMing and dedicate yourself to a craft or some project,that's my advice.

Not that user but having the same problem, even when I dedicate myself to a craft there's only so many days in a row I can power through before loneliness hits again and I can't do anything again.
Not cooming works if I make it something of a self punishment and denial thing, but I've always relapsed sooner or later

>power through
That's your problem.You shouldn't power through.You dedicate yourself to something out of love and a want to be better in said craft.Work itself should be your reward.

Easier said than done

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