Holy kino

Holy kino

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Holy cringe

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That Garou boy ain't right.

I'm looking forward to you trying to push this

Dangit Urameshi!

how many years until we see this fight in the manga?

can’t wait to see how Murata fucks it up, he’s already tripping over himself by drawing in all these loser characters getting out of the hospital.

What killed the hype?

The action will start soon, it could end up being this year if murata doesn't add too much filler, or he may even remove parts of the webcomic, seeing how much he's changed already.

>Stop tripping loser flags !


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>all these loser characters getting out of the hospital
what even is the point of that? you dont reintroduce characters that have already dropped out of the fight, this way we could just be infinitely stuck, just cycle through the same characters over and over lol haha

Damn, Saitama looks like THAT?!

Enter Chadbad

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>Most of the S class seeing Saitama kicking Garous ass
>Saitama gets low rank in A class
Did Amai mask report his achievements as something worthy of just a few ranks?

did you ignore what flashy-sama said?
most believe that garou the loser was weaken by fighting the s class.
plus saitama has a reputation of been a cheat

Chapter coming today?

Not gonna lie bros, Saitama looking mighty handsome here

try harder fag

>shit drawings
>shit boring story
How did it become so popular?

Guys, please play along with my joke I thought out.
>Knock knock

Go away, we're in quarantine.

please bro. I've been thinking of this joke for a while, it's hilarious.
>Knock knock

Who's there?


who's there

Sounds like 99% of manga.

Dad who?

LMAO you're black

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