Raw Hero

Let's discuss that one, I've never seen a thread about it on this board

I think it's a huge improvement from Prison School for Hiramoto, given rh actually has a very good rythm, so let's hope he doesn't butcher the ending...

Also crossdressing Chiaki is best girl

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Shit attempt to cash in on the bokunocape crowd.

It's just not funny. The banana dude was ok I guess but the joke's already getting old.

I'm not reading one more panel from Hiramoto unless it's a porn doujin.

Its a lot more retarded, I still read it whenever its translated though.

I enjoy it well enough. Needs more hot chicks beating the shit out of each other.

The girl on the cover seems to be hot!

It pretty hot

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post more of the bodysuit

After Prison School retarded ending betrayal I will never read anything from this author.
It seems his dream was to draw a manga about a male trap than give PS characters proper ending in epilogue chapter, bravo.
Wake me up when he will convert to porn cause he doesn't deserve to be supported in his normal stories anymore.

That's a bit harsh

Also if his dream is to draw traps I can get behind that

It hasn't gripped me quite like Prison School yet, but it's entertaining.

Why are people upset about PS ending? Everybody got what they deserved. Besides, it's not your story to tell, let the author do whatever he wants.

MC should have to take it up the butt to keep his cover at some point. He deserves it for hurting Jelly E Fish.

I'm extremely upset Kiyoshi didn't end up with Hana, but aside from that most of it was fine

>Besides, it's not your story to tell, let the author do whatever he wants.
So as readers we should not have any opinion about it after paying for it, right?
Does author draw the story for his readers or for himself?
If he draws the story for himself then he should not publish it in any magazine where someone can read it then and not ask money for it.
The PS ending was a total bullshit, like author suddenly got butthurt and destroyed everything in last chapter without explaining anything.
I suppose for you a more level story is about male trap balls or dick falling out from female panties judging RAW Hero theme.

Pretty much every female end in it is cut or bullshit.

>I've never seen a thread about it on this board
I've seen at least one a week for the last 2 or 3 weeks, but they don't last long. Not sure if I even want to give this a try after Prison school.

You seem very butthurt and your vision of artistry is just disgusting...

I'm not saying that you have to like everything but there's no reason to be that mad.

Besides, of course authors should primarily write for themselves, just trying to pander to readers and give them what they want always turns out terrible.

MC had been a lying, manipulative piece of shit the entire manga. Had he tried to fix that in the last chapter it would have been a bigger betrayal. It ended as it began; a dumb horny idiot fucking himself over for our entertainment.

Of course, you can have your opinions, but you can't expect the author to cater to you personally. Other people have other opinions, the world doesn't revolve around you.

I'm very much interested in what was going on with the ending in PS. Whether Hiramoto was getting burnt out, or the editor would force him to write a story he didn't want to write. I wish we had more insight into the matter, but I don't think the author has any obligations to me as a reader. It's his story, not mine.

I know how you feel, but love doesn't forgive ignorance.

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That panel hurts me

Actually his dream was to make his Robert Johnson manga but it was axed.

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what now?

It was no axed, he just sidelined it for this shit because traps sell more.

Traps are gay.

It was axed long before Raw Hero came out.


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Who cares

Source? That would be weird to revive a manga and publish a new volume after nearly a decade just to axe it immediately after publishing. He was just busy with drawing borderline hentai to give his blues manga any time

I dont read this but it is good softcore fap material. He should just make the MC have sex with a guy already. The fact he asked the girl to marry him already ruined it. MC should be gay lusting after males

While I agree that the MC got what he deserved, the way it was done was very abrupt, and we basically don't know anything about other characters like Gakuto. The boys and girls are still going down a river on a raft as far as we know.
Like 3-5 pages of elaboration would be nice. Instead we got a """greatly improved epilogue""" that consists of like one page that explains nothing.

Raw kino love this shit
Underrated manga

>If he draws the story for himself then he should not publish it in any magazine where someone can read it then and not ask money for it.
you're such a faggot

Gakuto's ending was conclusive enough, he is the opposite of Andre, decent through out yet fucking up in the end when it mattered. Chasing 2 rabbits and catching none, he was too blinded by the horny slut for his knowledge of Chinese history to help him realize the hole he was digging up for himself.

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