Post anime that inspired you to improve yourself, and tell how said anime reached you on such an emotional level.

Watching Okabe overcome the seemingly inevitable, through perseverance and refusal to give up might be one of the most uplifting things I've ever watched.

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Just rewatched Steins;Gate myself and I totally agree. I watch it about every 2 years or so because of this.

The anime that inspired me the most though would be Bakuman, I currently work in a field that has similar deadlines so watching it always gives this surge of encouragement knowing that the short-term suffering pays off to my long-term dreams.

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Killed my nihilism

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last year I watched run with the wind and Mob pyscho 100 s2 back to back and started running

Kotomine Kirei from Fate/zero made me want to become a Priest

Did you become a priest?

working on it

Well keep it up then!

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If you fight and push through the world will reward you, you can't find happiness without experiencing suffering and hard work.

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El Psy Congroo

lmao its just a little girls cartoon you fucking retards. grow up.

And now he waits...

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>Post anime that inspired you to improve yourself

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Immediately after watching I left my room for once and fucked off to the other side of my country for a day just because I could. Inspired me to act rather than just react

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Literally just a list of pretty good anime lmao

Unironically Evangelion, because I first watched it as a depressed teenage faggot who could relate to Shinji. I didn't watch EoE until a year or two after I finished the show, so the last couple episodes were kinda motivational.

same for run with the wind

I won't hand my victory over sloth to the anime.

I was going through a really difficult time after a break-up and being kicked out of the apartment I shared with my fiance. There'd been a lot of emotional abuse involved and I was in dark place. I know it's just anime, but I grew up watching the original FMA and so I watched FMA:B to try and feel better, and it really helped. Ed and Al inspired me to get the help I needed and reach out to my friends so I wouldn't do anything drastic and wouldn't be alone. I thought that if Ed and Al could get through the shit they went through, I could get through the lowest point of my life.

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>was going through a really difficult time after a break-up and being kicked out of the apartment I shared with my fiance. There'd been a lot of emotional abuse involved and I was in dark place

Literally same thing happened to me except I haven't improved and only gotten worse, neeting at my parents doing nothing. I just don't know what to do

Non-meme answer would most likely be YKK, although it doesn't have its own anime. A situation at school had me working 13 hours a day for more than a month without pause. I used to escape to that world in my thoughts in the evenings. Eventually got through the ordeal sucessfully without a significant psychological damage, I think. I have been re-reading it annually ever since.

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TTGL saved me from a period of crippling, existential despair.

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Symphogear genuinely inspired me to work out and become Zig Forums.
It also opened me up to the world of 1980s action movies and pro-wrestling.

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>Look mom, I posted it again!

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>stories can't impact you at all
Must be nice having extended high school recess.

To be fair, this thread is ok, maybe he realized his braindead shilling wasn't gonna make people like the show, if it really isn't a falseflag

Enjoyed everything I've seen from that list except VEG. You are doing god's work by recommending those shows.

Well, it's not like he is doing something harmful like creating the same thread over and over again. Being a fan of Steins;Gate in itself is okay in my book, even though the show doesn't resonate with me all that much.