
I am a forever single user.

What is this mysterious "cocky"-ness they speak of?

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Arrogant, but in a way that he can back up with action. Capability is attractive, which is why they're all fawning over this basketball guy.
Naga is the opposite though; she likes guys who are so incapable that she'll always have the upper hand in the relationship.

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Cocky: used to describe a young person who is confident in a way that is unpleasant and sometimes rude:


Also: she's a natural sadist so she enjoys being a tease

Senpai's also a passive masochist who doesn't know how to deal with women, but being around her is helping him

That pic is hot

Speaking as a male into S/M, they're being really unhealthy about it.
Of course it's just manga characters, but sometimes I wish they learned a bit about the fetish and how to separate play and real life.

So, Vegeta?

Early on it was definitely unhealthy, but Naga mellowed out really fast.

Their current relationship is downright wholesome right now. They've basically been going on dates for the past few chapters.

Also, be hot:

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Next Chapter Spoilers:

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Wow, Naga really is the only bleeding heart of the group isn't she?(Or depressed.)

She really just wants somebody fun.

It's not like she can say straight up that she wants a sub that can take a lot of punishment.

She would if she were a real alpha female.

deflecting to Zig Forums or anywhere with perfectly Zig Forums related material warrants getting your cock and balls chopped off.

I really, really hope there's a change in the status quo in chapter 61.

I don't want Naga to fall into the same sink hole that plagues Komi.

>Naga is the opposite though; she likes guys who are so incapable that she'll always have the upper hand in the relationship.
Sure speedreader

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Rival soon.

First, the next one will be 60, not 61.
Second, what status quo?

Nagatoro runs back to her room, her sister tells him to go follow her, and by the time he does she's in the middle of changing?

We already had Sakura and Prez. The problem with Komi's love triangle is that it should have been resolved during the festival arc but Oda chickened out.

Come on, you know how it is with most rom coms. As long is it sells the required modicum, the status quo will be maintained.
And it's not even something the authors themselves want, but something the magazine editors know very well it works.

Naga, like most women like who she like. Most women all want the same things out of their man. Paisen standing up to the plate when it counts is what all women want from their man.

Okay, so we know this is from chapter 60.

But who is it? It doesn't look like Big-Sis-Toro or Nagatoro.
Angry Mom-Toro?

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Ok anons, i want to understand you. Why do you say so? The manga has had a fairly good amount of progression in the relationship these last chapters:
>Filler chapters (Senpai and Nagatoro going out on a ice cream date; Nagatoro getting backfired because of some stockings)
>Zoo arc (Senpai asking out Naga for a date; Senpai stands up against a jerkass for insulting Naga; Nagatoro drawing together with Senpai)
>Marathon arc (Senpai working out for a competition; Nagatoro and Senpai helping each other; The friends helping them against the Prez)
>Current arc (Senpai realizes FINALLY that Nagatoro likes him, and is in the way to realize what he feels for her too)

It's either Nagatoro without the hairclip or the sister we've already seen.

The dialogue says "Senpai", and Sistoro refers to him as "Senpai-kun", so most likely to be Nagatoro

Based, hard agree.

Too white to be Naga, unless she spontaneously gets rid of the tan.

Obviously, first user is expecting more of a solid development, like an official date or even some hot, sweaty, hardcore handholding action.


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We already have an official date: The zoo arc

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