Such a cute character design wasted on a shitty doujin.
Your doom approaches!
How do we stop these predatory lolis?
They are a menace to society!
Crap here comes the troublemaker.
Blueballing should be illegal
i dont like when ponsuke draws girls that young
1. Doujin is not the same thing as doujinshi.
2. It's not a doujinshi. It was published in Comic LO, a magazine.
3. You have fucking shit taste, so fuck off.
Do the actual dialogue actually say "cunny"? I swear it feels like a shitpost every-time
I dont think japs know what cunny is
i dont like when he draws men that old
Yeah, could be even younger.
Fat old oji-sans run this shit user
Tell me about those glasses. What do they mean?
Me on the left.
can you source me on this dude
image search turns up nothing
>Can't see over the wall
kataguruma you stupid fucking nigger
Seconding this before the thread gets nuked into oblivion. It looks familiar tho.
Since you're clearly still learning English, here's some helpful knowledge: Different languages have different words that describe the same thing. The translated text isn't actually what they're saying, it's just a collection of equivalent terms.
Also, you've spent too much time here and become jaded. I feel the same way when coworkers use Twitter acronyms and emoji in IM, but it's just language evolving.
*Lolis exist*
>Fat old men
Allow to introduce ourselves.
Loli x Shota will always be the superior choice
Zig Forums is not a comment section, fag.
Kill yourself normalfag.
Lolis are for adult men only.
Use lots of deodorant! They can't stand the smell!
28 isn't old. Fuck you.
>28 isn't old
Is this the designated cunny thread?
I-I'm still an onii-san.
I love little girls
That one is her own fault. And yeah post thirsty trees.
I love JC
So she's chosen death.