Liar Game Storytime 3: The Revival Round

All righty here we go again! After Akiyama successfully screwed over the sexiest woman(male) in the story, he decides to keep playing to find out who's behind the games. Please bump now and then if you're in here, Zig Forums is moving today.

Previous threads:

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Please don't tell anyone but I have a thing for bald women.

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nothing wrong with that

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I waited for this to end for years, then it finally ended and everyone said how bad it was so I didn't bother reading the rest.
The parts I read were pretty good though

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I don't know what those people were expecting but the ending was fine by me. That said a stupid amount of responses in the first thread were about how the ending is bad.

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Girl, how are you even talking to this fucking guy, he sucks

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The ending is pretty disappointing but it didn't sour my memories of the whole manga (which is what usually happens when I read a badly made ending).
Also it probably has been said in previous threads but One Outs from the same mangaka is also a good read even if you're not a fan of baseball.

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Ok is this guy just being Akiyama's wingman now

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Akiyama's a gud boy he didn do nuffin

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>Girl, how are you even talking to this fucking guy, he sucks
Probably it doesn't matter anyway anymore. The damage is done.
At this point any more information he provides only can be useful.

Fuck MLMs. That is all.

Nah, at this point she's out. He's clearly trying to draw her back in. If she had two brain cells to smack together she would throw that guy out on his ass.

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I want to see them compete in an intellectual large scale game

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Wow this guy took absolutely the wrong message from that story

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My cat has the same look as that MLM woman.

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Like 20 pages in and now we're at the PREMISE

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I mean I know it's important to set up character motivations and stakes, but they REALLY bend over backwards to keep the characters in this situation when they can and should JUST LEAVE. More to the point the game is what everybody's here to see.

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Wonder how this would go. Akagi is super good at small scale games while Akiyama is more focused on big scale games, so it might be interesting to see how their reasoning would differ

I am so glad she has a "Favorite Dictionary" and "Favorite Alarm Clock"

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she cute.

Well the whole premise of this manga is mostly very simple games, many of which would barely qualify as a game f you tried to play it for fun, turned into the most intense thing in the world simply by adding stakes and the ability to negotiate.

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What if I have a license for the knife?

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