Why did no one tell me how attrocious the pacing of this is?

Why did no one tell me how attrocious the pacing of this is?

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>filterd by pacing
Not going to make it

Not going to make what? I'm already finished with both seasons.

>not enjoying the bog
"Waaaaah, I'm an Amerimutt who needs everything to be rushed."

The pacing is fine.

The pacing of he manga sucks even more in later parts,the three idiots arc was the worst in that aspect.

>literally took the author 30 years to do one mahjong game

>he thinks the bog's pacing is bad
lmao don't even attempt to read the manga, you won't even last until one poker

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Well I would have never read the manga anyway. This series would suck without the great voice acting.

>he doesn't read everything in character's voices and make up new ones if needed
Imagine being this much of a brainlet

Okay, Shizo

pleb filtered

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The bog is the most drawn out shit in existence, but the pay off is borderline orgasmic.

Sure but instead of Pachinko we could have gotten something interesting instead.

you say that now, but I recently watched S2 again and I noticed that some new change occurs each episode of the bog that changes the way the rest of the gamble plays out, and I didn't notice that on my first time watching it. give it time, it will grow on you

How often do you think he gets raped in the underground labor camps?

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At least once a week,probably daily.He's too much of a twink for his own good.

>watching the season 2
I wish Tonegawa was here...

managers will gamble over his usage rights

>no competition since there are no women underground
>constantly sells his body to the highest bidder
>buys himself out and seeks revenge on Kaiji
I actually can see it happening considering all the gay shit Endou went through

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I had no problem with the pacing, but i did marathon the whole thing, maybe if i was watching it weekly i would've had a problem with it.
Specially during the final stretch of the bog arc, it's tense from start to finish and the twists and turns that get revealed are great, by the point the whole third plate was full and it was just a matter of time i was clenching so fucking hard, that arc was great.

He did?

>maybe if i was watching it weekly i would've had a problem with it.
It felt a bit of a slog watching it weekly but that's probably because I had already read the manga so that's my fault really.

Endou suspected his superior might rape him as a punishment
That's partly the reason why the old English translator quit

Hey,didn't that guy quit because he found god or something?

guys like i just want to make sure that you fully understand
he tilted
a fucking

>you'll never watch this live with Zig Forums again

Why didn't they just throw Kazuya a rope made out of clothes? Even a single pair of jeans would've been enough probably. They had 5 whole minutes to figure this shit out.


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As someone who never read or watched the anime can i know who that is

Villain of the second part of season 2

makes me want to empty my balls into his bog

she looks hot