It really is a masterpiece

It really is a masterpiece.

Attached: ping-pong-the-animation-image-01[1].jpg (1280x720, 202.07K)

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Attached: pingpong.gif (500x246, 270.52K)

Wow even I could do better and the most I've animated is a smiley face

Yeah, and I bet you could draw more realistic drawings than Picasso too, huh?

Attached: 1586426739432.jpg (745x749, 253.88K)

>wenge isn't his favorite character

Attached: Chhs.jpg (551x491, 103.55K)

oh but he is
I love him

For me, it's Sakuma

Patrician taste

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>that scene when his mom comes for a visit and entire team comes to help out with food
I cried

Takemitsu Zamurai adaptation when?

>animation should look good while not moving
why is everyone in this thread retarded

>animation should look good
>when all you're going for is EXPRESSION

What was the message, more talented guy will always win?

Peco was more talented than everyone, but he didn't win until he took the game seriously. There's a bunch of themes, but every character arc is a variation of talent/passion/hard work.

passion is the only thing that counts

Ok real fucking talk how much did the guy who drew this get paid

Not really. It's overrated, pretentious shit.

No, because Akuma had to quit, even though he loves the game and practiced constantly, and Peco triumped over Dragon, even though Ryuji was talented and practiced harder than everybody. You need talent, passion, and hard work, missing just one wont cut it. And even then, sometimes you still fuck up like China.

Made me kek. PPTAkiddies don't realise people deliberately don't draw their stuff like shit so think this is a masterpiece. This is no more expressive than the average anime, just lazier. The typical anime is just as valid and purposeful with it's on model expression.

Too much probably.

>buzzword buzzword no argument

Not him but shit drawings aren't remotely comparable to Picasso's abstract art.

i haven't watched it, is it REALLY good? or do you mean like *really* good?

Do what you love and put your whole heart into it.

How is this such a pleb filter, holy shit.

It really is

Attached: pingpong3.jpg (1280x720, 599.18K)

You're probably gonna get a lot of meme replies about the artstyle, but the characters and their development are good, OST is amazing, and it's a very enjoyable experience and story condensed into 11 episodes. I would recommend this show to anyone

Just like OP's post right? It's a fitting response. PPTA is extremely overrated despite not doing much more than the typical anime. Being lazier than the typical anime doesn't make it better. Being different doesn't make it better. The well drawn way anime normally depicts things is just as valid a form of expression and looks vastly better.

It's pretentious hipster shit and the visuals are absolutely hideous. The OP while still looking bad is the only thing that doesn't look completely awful. The writing is better than the visuals but honestly the show is pretty boring. There are plenty of better spots shows.

I can see why some people don't like it, but these retards try to invalidate the whole series because they don't like a stylistic choice.

Attached: pingpong-recap-b.gif (500x281, 825.82K)

Watch the first episode and decide yourself, I was immediately hooked and watched the whole show in two days... Granted it's only 11 episodes. Still probably the most well paced show I have ever watched.

The ending was perfect.

Seek help

>PPTA is pretentious
Literally how? It's not even that deep, and it doesn't try to be. The themes are simple, and the character development and execution of those themes is masterfully done. If you're arguing that the artstyle is pretentious, what meaning do you think it's trying to convey?

The 'art' is pretentious.

How can this show filter so many retards? It's the ultimate pleb filter?

>trolling outside of Zig Forums
>extremely low quality
>off topic ad hom
I think you should seek help.


There are no cute girls and almost entire cast is male so it makes your average ironic weeb looking for le waifus and memes mad.

People don't actually care about animation, they care about drawings. That's why so many anime and cartoons get away with having slideshows for animation.

Talent beats hard working

Masaki yuasa is the modern picasso

>bad drawings are good

Attached: BING BONG.jpg (1280x720, 54.43K)

The manga looks similar, I think the adaptation of the style was pretty good.

What do you guys prefer, Ping Pong or Takemitsu Zamurai?

>There are no cute girls and almost entire cast is male
Why is jojo so popular then?
It's the art and writng that filters the plebs.

>we call garbage a pleb filter meme
People not liking shitty drawings doesn't make this a pleb filter. That's just called having eyes.