The new ghost in the shell on Netflix is great

No dicks?

Attached: FE0AE484-1914-497D-9676-5757D6C3D6BD.jpg (826x430, 51.55K)

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Where's the user that promised to finish this poster? Any news?

Attached: 1588247081616.jpg (751x1063, 227.57K)

They hired an artists that steals?


Attached: 8ED614FA-EBE5-45CD-82A0-8FA7EC4311B5.jpg (640x640, 56.34K)


holy shit is this real

Finally got around to watching this. Solid 6/10. If they didn't do the godawful CG it could've been an 8/10. Story was shit at the beginning but got better towards the end. Reminded me of the usual Gits, albeit dumbed down quite a bit.

So doesn't he know how to draw or is he just lazy and shameless?

So why didnt they just shoot?
Or was that dudes wood grain ring giving him too many i-frames?

Yes. Look

He a hack

No the dick is there, it's just blur censored so that you can "buy the eventual Home BD release".

Yet the major has visible nipples?

>7 ip
>probably op being a phoneposter faggot being most of them

Computer poster

Dumb fag

Are the nipples actually detailed with color? Because uncolored nipples have always been the go-to loophole to show that stuff on TV-based media.

>Are the nipples actually detailed with color

No. But you can see them in the op


No, no bump, that's the problem.

Is this quote real? I've seen it on Zig Forums and /ic/ but can't find the source to it. Pretty sure it's refering to the movie Birthday Wonderland.
>Editing faces is an incredible job. There are 1400 “cuts” in the film (camera shifts), in [each of them] there can be up to 500 animation frames. If there were characters who didn’t look very much like mine, because people were more used to the design of the Ghibli studio, I painted faces, bodies or backgrounds on top as needed

Attached: wonderland 11.png (1920x1080, 2.83M)

Then they are fair game if they were uncolored and detail-less.

I should add that anons believe that it's an Ilya Kuvshinov quote.

Sorry for the shit screenshot but I couldn't find this pic anywhere. Upper arm is way too short, looks so bad. This is what we get for letting someone who can't draw without tracing loose. The cg looks so bad, uncanny valley is ok for cyborgs but this is comically bad esp the rubber jointed backflips up the stairs. Also why are they drinking alcohol in the first ep? Cyborgs process alcohol different and don't get drunk, this was said in second season of SAC. I wonder if Shirow Masamune even cares about gits at this point.

Attached: Screenshot_20200501-151246.jpg (1536x813, 358.78K)

wait, did he self insert into the show?

and just like that the animation in the west dies, with a bunch of hacks

Is this a quick rundown for ants?

Why does this show even exist in this format? Netflix has put out many cg heavy shows and none look this bad. If there wasn't enough hype to get a decent budget it just shouldn't exist, where is the demand for this shitty supply?

the fuck? how did this get approved?

Because only black cocks are allowed in Netflix.

Attached: 1580066099785.png (859x823, 797.05K)