But girls can't marry girls

But girls can't marry girls

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girls can marry girls a lot easier than you can OP

No bully please

Can boys marry boys?

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picked up for cover alone i-it's real right?

I like the one showing them both with wedding rings, that shit put the decade long dilemma to rest.

shut up bigot

Man can married mans

Real question is if a loli can marry onee-san?

>But girls can't marry girls
To marry, girls need to sacrifice at least one cuck.

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I hate myself for how much I like lesbian cuckery

I like lesbian conversion of completely straight girls who want bfs into complete pussy addicts.

Why, this is just pure kino, and the story isn't even bad.
>teacher fucks a student while moaning the name of her ex
What is there not to love?

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this better end with those 2 raping the tomboy

It's only natural

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>I like lesbian conversion their sister in law into complete pussy addicts, by taking advantage of their abandonment issues.

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They are like half a dozen official pictures of them marrying, but it's not easy for them to wear a ring while also wearing gloves, and it isn't like their marriage was less valid because most of the times no ring was involved. I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't use rings in their planet, I don't think I have seen any other couple with them.

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Well she had it coming.

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But can a mother marry her own daughter?

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How long do we have to wait for the next chapter?

>wife and wife is a tag on gelbooru
wonderful desu

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As is "wife and wife and wife", apparently.


I can't wait for the next chapter of this.

I assume all of you yuri-fags have read the blessed Yurikon which was bestowed upon us?

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Depend the country.

I swear if it's followed by a
>Like a daughter
I'm going to RIOT.

So the mother was a lesbian not interested in any guy and she married some random highschooler who decided to be her beard and that way he knew the mother will have to raise herself a lover in form of her own daughter to be happy with and he conveniantly killed himself after seeing daughter was born to not hinder their relationship?
Ultimate male cuck.