One Punch Man

>"it wasn't that bad you people are overreacting"

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i love tatsumaki.

I didn't watch season 2 holy shit what the fuck am I look at!? are you sure this isn't one piece?

It's not season 1 level but it could be worse.

Even fanmade animation is better

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pretty much. I expect next season to have the same art as the web comic

The single passable aspect of season 2 was the music. But you couldn't hear it because of the mixing anyway

Jc staff man..though really its the rushed production of this mess with a pathetic staff team.

These scenes aren't even the awful ones. These are the quality of the average anime without big budget. Sure disappointing after S1 though.

Now post the actual awful shit.

Where's guru posting?

Anyone knows where i can find the manga?

Honestly the animation is the least of my concerns, with JC Staff I knew that would be shit coming in. But the coloring, voice acting, character and sound design were godawful in every scene

saitama sounded way bored than usaul and because of that he ruined the reaction of the fake out punch he did suryui


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I'd believe it if every fanart that gets posted didn't exaggerate her proportions

To be fair Murata himself is pretty inconsistent when it comes to proportions.

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Yeah, the tournament was pretty shite.

Goddamn I want her to anal vore me.


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Yes. Although I'd be satisfied with her shitting on my chest as well.

Thank you man

The animation isn't the problem there, the direction and composition is, each cut feels disconnected from the previous one and the hits lack any impact

animation is part of it as many times animation sucks ass. But I agree even the good parts are directed horribly. Bad sound design adds to it and there is no flow in the fights. It doesnt help the fights switch in between from decent art and looking fine to shit in the next cut. Also I know im not the only to notice how stiff everything is.

>Also I know im not the only to notice how stiff everything is.
Sticking too strictly to character models is common in newbie animators and outsourced ones, good animators know how deforming the characters can make a scene feel more impactful

what killed the hype?

ur mom

The problem is even when they do deform them to make smears it looks terrible. For example a lot of suiryu's kicks during the first part of the tournament. Plus the character models always look off due to shit art.

That was not even the worst animated scene, Garou fight was waaaaaaaay shittier.

huh? Am I retarded? Aside from the weird cuts, I thought it was pretty good...

I think the absolute worst was Eyesight vs Pig God and Child Emperor

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I will never forgive their bastardization. Also dont forget the corpse for pureblood look like sun tanned people.

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At last this fandom has finally shown their true colors, by demonstrating how many of you never really care about OPM "great" story, groundbreaking characters, funny comedy, and overall being a fantastic "deconstruction" of the superhero genre. In reality it was all about the over-the-top sakuga.