Kengan Omega

>faster than light
>been compared to Beard
>confirmed objectively better boxer than Gaolang
>mexican boxer meme
is it over for Gaolang, can he win using Muay Thai or has Carlos secretly been practicing Kickboxing during his disappearance from the public eye hence his lack of actual boxing gloves?

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That's probably how it's gonna go down. Gaolang will switch and almost turn the tide, at which point Carlos will switch to a combined martial art as well and wipe the floor with him.

This might be a vehicle for progressing Gaolang's character
>mi amigo Gaolang, real boxing is the friends you make along the way

Que' King Rama telling Gaolang to believe in himself

And thus Gaolang overcomes his fear of a better boxer than himself.

Why would he use boxing gloves regardless?

Well, when all you do is punch you kinda wanna make sure you don't break your hands, which is the main reason boxers wear gloves in the first place. This allows you to throw far stronger punches far more often without the fear of destroying your fists by doing so. But they do make your punches slower due to the additional weight which seems counterproductive for a fighter like Carlos. It also makes grappling quite a lot more difficult which could become a problem with later opponents that aren't Gaolang. You're also less likely to severely cut your opponent while wearing boxing gloves. Kengan characters are also seemingly immune to any real self-inflicted injuries during fighting anyways. So in hindsight I probably shouldn't have included that in the OP, you're right.

I can't see Gaolang losing desu. It'd be too much of a narrative retread from the Agito fight. What's the point of having him lose to a legendary monstrous fighter twice in a row? I just don't see the point in it.

Yeah I'm getting some real "this fight was made just for me" vibes from this one. Like it's supposed to complete Gaolang's character.

Goalang will fight using only boxing, he will consider switching to Muay Thai but will follow his conviction as a boxer and fight using only Boxing, ultimately losing.

He will be chastised for not using Muay Thai which could have scored him the win, but will claim that this was his first chance to face Carlos as a boxer, and he wasn't going to throw that away, proud to have met the challange and happy to see that he still has room to improve as a boxer and still more opponents to surpass.

This results in Carlos still being a better boxer, but without making Gaolang look like a total jobber, leaving a positive note on both characters.

Remember this.

Also, Hanafusa is a Worm.

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>Hanafusa is a Worm
I hope so. pretty much the only way to make the Ohma reveal not terrible writing
>Hey hanafusa, why didn't you tell anyone about Ohma?
>idk, dangerous or something lmao
>haha ok, cool!

>which could become a problem with later opponents that aren't Gaolang.
Each participant has only one fight, user.

Reminder that Julius is the strongest in the competition given the rules

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I don't know, Alolan Julius might be his match.

Julius will lose to a small chink, stupid.

The fact that we had a "Hey, there are clone/impersonators going around, keep an eye out kazzy" and "Hey Ohma is back :D".

My guess is that "Ohma" is actually Shadow-Niko User who Dr. Hanafuse face-swapped with Ohma before going to the Kure mansion. Ohma is dead and buried.

Anyone else think that the manga is trying to make us sleep on Fang Yumi? Prior to the tournament after the match with Jose he's portrayed as a monster while come to the tournament, all other Purg fighters are getting hyped while Yumi is being shown as a goofy dude. Wouldn't be surprised if that nigga is stronger than the other fighters.

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Would be kinda kino, but the guy would have to be a mighty fine actor. We have no indication that Ohma is acting in any way unusual and absolutely no one has noticed anything. I think its the real Ohma.

I mean, he was a fang and he's had plenty build up, and some good screen time. I don't think the idea is that he isn't that strong, he's definitely top 5 minimum in Purg, we've been told as much, but it would be cool if he was actually a ridiculously strong beard-tier type guy

How would he fare in the kengan fights?

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True, but we've been established that they've succesfully "Replaced" people without anyone noticing, sure it might be a bit of a stretch to fool the entire kure family and everyone now meeting Ohma, especially Kazzy to not figure something out by now.

The only off-thing about Ohma is that he now no longer blends peoples name into one word anymore for everyone except Yamashitakazou, but that can easily be handwaved as "Oh by the way, he calls the old guy by Yamashitakazou, that will convince him you're the real Ohma."

I've seen so many prediction tier lists and almost none of them had Yumi ranked S-tier. This dude was a fucking Fang of Metsudo, ranking him anything below S honestly seems like an insult. I'm pretty sure he's mad fucking strong and Sandrovich isn't just gonna make him a jobber to subvert expectations, especially since he's Agito's sole reason for even entering.

>things with no mass go at the speed of light
>Carlos knew this, and made his fists negative mass so they can go faster than that

Poorly, he isn't a trained fighter just very muscular. Even Julius knows how to use his strength.

By sheer herculean brawn he might be able to participate in the Kengan fights, but he is otherwise just Komada Shigeru who can't fight.

>almost none of them had Yumi ranked S-tier
I think most people place him relatively evenly with Agito, which is A-tier (most of the times I've seen anyway) since S-Tier is reserved for Beard-tier fighters.

should have made him look like this by default instead of his stupid goofy monkey face

Gaolang is winning, but if you want to predict loses, these 3 retards will probably go all out and kill their opponents because of their autism and get disqualified.

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Huh? The narrative supports it pretty heavily. Agito or Gaolang were going to job, that much was pretty obvious.
Gaolang had to take the bullet it seems.
Having a hyped up “strong” character lose to show the strength of Purgatory is to be expected.
That is to say, Gaolang (or is it Kaolan now?) can still win. We’re shown from the fact that he’s faster than Gaolang, a strong fighter, that Purgatory has top tier fighters.

It’s because from what we’ve seen of him he’s poised to be pretty weak.
>had his arm broken by 4d latino, who was about equal if not slightly stronger than ryuki (forma de la una técnica)
>gets punched by MTFL spic

Kaolan like Lihito, seems to be the intended way about it, but is going to be disregarded.

>implying Julis wouldn't have killed his opponent if it was anyone else but Wakatsuki
People tend to forget how ridiculous Julius is.

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Raian loses by ring out.
Akoya chimps out and kills his opponent.
Ryuki gets shit whipped by a worm.

Reminder that Ryuki's boyfriend is in the stands so he is much less likely to chimp.

Gaolang sucks.
REAL Muay Thai fighter when?

Heed my words, Julius will win for sure, maybe even curbatomp his match.

I agree. I think there were very few people in that tournament capable of beating Julius, Wakatsuki just happened to be one of them.

A Thai user in one of the threads said that Gaolang makes more sense and can have different meanings depending on how it's written in their language anyway.

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When it will be his turn to fight Raian.

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Who's gonna tell him?

Wasn’t Samato deconfirmed on stream?

We postin' Julius?

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Makes sense. It’s pretty weird though, because the author is skilled in English isn’t he? So I doubt he’d make a mistake of that caliber.
But people generally use whatever sounds best and makes sense most. See Artoria vs Altria I guess and recently in SnV Geir vs Göll.

/fitlit/ already has meguro, julius and I guess ryuki counts