What's your honest opinion on Kino no Tabi?

What's your honest opinion on Kino no Tabi?

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I want to fuck a girl that looks like a boy!

10/10 fables with 10/10 waifu

new anime was pretty weak though

It was enjoyable enough, have only seen the original series though.

gotta love the frilly battle tutu look

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The 2003 series is fantastic. The 2017 series is still good.

I'd rather fuck a boy that looks like a girl desu.

what about a girl that looks like a boy that looks like a girl?

2003 anime had a god-tier opening track


Also Kino is such a likeable character

With all the Kino posting lately, I might actually read the light novels.

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I've only watched the 2003 version, but it's easily one of the top 10 anime in the last 20 years. My only regret is that I watched it too fast. Kino no Tabi should be watched at a slow pace to be enjoyed the best.

i generally enjoy tabi genres
especially kino and elaina
i bought the republish version of kino LN (the one with update cover arts) and rewatch all the anime.
-the 2003 was not faithful by anymean but overall it a better anime in general
-personally i like the 2017 version more even though the 2003 was a better anime (not a better adaptation). the 2017 was faithful to what written in the LN and see kino being absolutely beatiful on screeen is a big plus.

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pretty comfy desu
not the greatest literature and his prose is trash but still comfy af
I would unironically read them to my kids in place of aesops fables

also i forgot. please watch my wife anime because it coming out this year i hope

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I hear she's a cunt


yea the op and ed were great

There aren't enough of those that are trying to hide that they really are a girl.

2003 is one of my favorites

She is.

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I want to marry her hat

2003 version is like watching paint dry

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I've been told that the 2017 version is inferior to the 2003 version. Is it still worth watching or should I only watch 2003?

nuKino is a very pretty girl!
Kino is Kino!

>comfy af
Your definition of “comfy” is kinda twisted. Theres a number of stories that are downright disturbing such as that one story where Master encountered a person who kills travelers and turned them into furniture. Haven’t gotten to that one yet, nor do I know what volume that’s in though


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The 2003 Series is a masterpiece and I love it. I don't give a single fuck about "original intention", The two parter was a hundred times better then the the LN version ever was.

Too flat.


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