Post examples of good and bad animation, i'll start

Post examples of good and bad animation, i'll start

>flapping lips/powerpoint
>genuinely good animation.

Attached: 9cceb8ef6b5252b2f07cefff6d890df15c5a33be_hq.jpg (500x589, 78.71K)

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Kill yourself, narutard.


Naruto fights just can't be topped

I've read somewhere animators have a blast animating Naruto fight scenes because its vast amount of techniques makes a lot of room for choreography.

Based Narutard

Why can't modern anime look this good anymore?

They don't make em like they used to

Naruto looks like that about once every 50 episodes, the rest of it is pure shit

not even defending jojo here, but if you want to compare the series you should at least put sakuga up against sakuga instead of this cherry-picking bullshit

last thing I'll say is i don't want to fuck sasuke but i do want to fuck lisa lisa so I like the first clip more

Isn't killing part of the exam? Why did they stop him?
Dozens died in the forest and no one gave a shit about them.

Wanting to fuck Lisa Lisa is only slightly less gay than wanting to fuck Sasuke. Look at that manface.

when u remember Kiba killed some kids with snails os something

You first, jojoredditor.

remember when they ripped open pre-timeskip hinata's jacket?
peak hinata right there

The topic is posting good and bad animations. Not about which series has better animation, retard.

Is no one gonna post it?

I am willing to believe Hinata just got special treatment, because of her status.

just post it urself fag


>bad @ timestamp


Holy based

why? why post good and bad animation unless you want to make a point of some kind?

>inb4 "to learn what looks good and what doesnt!!1!"
there aren't any animators reading this thread, retard.

Attached: idiot.jpg (540x441, 45.33K)

I dont get it.
Hasnt firmware and software in the last 30 years advanced tremendously?
Why isnt anime quality benefiting from that?

It's because Otakus will eat any shit up, they don't care for animation and artistic qualities.

I don't like JoJo and think it is overrated. Am approaching the series wrong? why do people like it so much? the openings are good though.

Narutards are literal redditor spics, this is just a case of pot meet kettle.

There is literally nothing more reddit than JOJO

Zig Forums's literally been posting JoJo memes in 2003/2004 before Reddit was made in 2005. Meanwhile, Narutards were always laughed off of Zig Forums and were forced to loiter around shitholes like Gaia and reddit. Lurk 10 years before posting.

Did OP get banned for spamming his webms?

Lol Naruto is neither Zig Forums or reddit, Naruto is it's own thing independent of all label's, it's an iconic piece of anime culture.

Meanwhile JOJO is the new reddit fad meme show, sorta like Code Geass but for reddit, it will be forgotten any minute now.

Attached: Vol13.png (408x643, 577.47K)

Narutards think they know good animation

Attached: sinful_animation.webm (640x360, 1.86M)

>Lol Naruto is neither Zig Forums or reddit
t. Naredditard