Romcom manga with interesting and well designed (visually) female lead

>romcom manga with interesting and well designed (visually) female lead
>Male MC is a fucking pussy prude bitch of the highest order with 0 redeeming qualities
why is this so common in anime and manga (especially today)???? Why do mangakas do this?

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so you have an easier time selfinserting

They cannot draw men who aren’t like themselves.

Read Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru. The MC has already masturbated to the heroine and will manhandle her with his big yaoi hands soon.

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I used to like Seto but after seeing his friend I realized how much of a non entity he is. I mean, his friend is nothing unique or amazingly well done, but he has some well defined characteristics that actually flow with Toyoda.
Seto on the other hand seems to exist just to be pushed by Anjou.

To allow for better self-insertion; give one character no features that could ever conflict with the reader's self-image and be done — usually paired with endless wish fulfillment.
Plenty of stuff doesn't do it though.
It's also less common in female-targeted stuff, where they more often sell their power phantasy through making the female perspective character awesome and good looking, like in Maid-Sama.

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Quick, o.p. is asleep. Post romance where both leads are interesting and well-designed.

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you start

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Target audience.

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If mc is a chad then there's little room to develop them and no room for romantic tension

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>I only want a strong tall man to fuck my love interest
This isn't even funny anymore Zig Forums, why are you like this?
Why do you think anyone should applaud you for not wanting to fuck a cute girl but instead have it be done in front of you by another man. I thought you did these things to escape reality for once.

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>I only want a strong tall man to fuck my love interest

>not wanting a retarded faggot with no sexuality when the love interest literally throws herself at means wanting a chad

theres middle ground between chad thundercock and beta mcbetabitch

Don't act like they're ever developed; they're self-inserts that start where they ended.
Anyway, more romance spared the dubious benefit of self-inserts.
A story about a shut in germophobe who is trying to write a computer virus who gets blackmailed by a mysterious stranger into taking care of a teenage truant and the relationship that develops between them.

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>what is shoujo
Not that shoujo doesn't have it's own set of problems but you're retarded either way. Read kannou sensei and learn what an actually well crafted romance looks like so you don't confuse it with the typical with-fulfillment dribble about a pathetic dude starved of romantic interactions with the opposite sex suddenly getting a 10/10 chick orbiting him.

as always, fpbp

Now with descriptions: One female student falls in love with a handsome “boy” in his class, not realizing that the latter is actually female — due to a misunderstanding they end up dating and the latter just can't find the right time to come out and admit to being female.i

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I've noticed a trend. Backing in the day it was the random act of common kindness that got girl gushing over the beta. Nowadays, the mangaka go a step beyond that. You don't even need to be the NICE GUY for the girl fall in love with you because your autistic sperging is just "soooooooo entertaning" when goes out of her way to interact with you.

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I don't like self insert, I'd prefer a MC with personality rather than a pathetic faggot or a pervert

Because they're not “my love interest” — they're cartoon characters.
It's boring to watch a romance plot where one of the leads is boring and uninteresting opposed to having two interesting leads.

Misandrist, tyranical, tundere ace student student council chairman vs. sexually harassing ace student stalker — awesome dynamic.

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he is not the best character ever written, but he has an interesting personality and motivation, a loser who is a bizarre social who is in love with Toyoda, the girl who has trouble expressing herself but who wants to be an artist, they connect because the weirdo is a good artist, they create a relationship that improves each other’s self-confidence, it’s not the most original but it works. already Sento and Anjou, Sento ugly boy, without social skills, with extreme anxiety, but studies a lot, Anjou is a girl is futile and selfish who wants to be a fashionista, their relationship is based on ... she likes to tease him. .. because plot ?, it looks like a shit hentai plot, the manga is fun but it could be better, maybe something like, "Anjou has bad grades and needs help to study, so seduces Sento to help her, so I would develop the story and the characters

Is this still being translated?

Yeah, it's getting fucking awful. And it's clearly working, go anywhere, Zig Forums, r/manga, M.A.L., MangaDex and you clearly see why they do this and how these series are actually the most popular.

On r/manga 9/10 things posted and 99% of what actually gets more than 2 replies are these self-insert romance stories; it's like the entire fan-base is comprised of lonely virgins who just read this stuf for no other reason than to escape their loneliness and get some vicarious taste of love.

Anyway: series about an ultra rich orphaned pervert who, being bored, decides to hire some pretty teenage maids in his mansion and dress them in skimpy outfits — from the 2005s when fan-service didn't yet need a self-insert it seems. One of the maids is also more so the main character than the rich pervert.

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>Not wanting love interest to throw herself at chad means wanting her to chase closet-homos.
Did you intentionally misread my post?
I just want a guy whose shoes i can put myself in to some degree and neither of those two fit that category.
>Inb4 everyone's different.
Don't lie to me, you know exactly what the kind of person who consumes this stuff en masse is.

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>I just want a guy whose shoes i can put myself in to some degree and neither of those two fit that category.
No ones going to make a retarded annoying faggot as an MC user, better give up that idea early

I forget the name, but there's one where a female mangaka and her assistant fall in love while trying to get serialized.

Put that away, bitch.