Dragon Ball

8 episodes in and holy fucking shit, this fucking retard nip is obsessed with sex. Everyone is a pervert obsessed with the opposite gender. Death to Dragon Ball and Toriyama, I've never felt so annoyed with an anime. Art style is terrible too, literally 0/10

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Not funny.

This, DB's humor sucks

Not funny.

Seriously, this series will never last. It's just one stupid gimmick after another.

>Everoyne is a pervert
Goku isn't. You lost.

Axe soon

Yeah touching groins of every singe girl he meets checking out if they have dicks or not is totally normal

This, DB's humor sucks

For the last time, not funny. Stop.

I agree, DB should be ended for its terrible attempts at jokes.

DB was the first manga, cut it some slack.

yes it's normal for a boy who has never met a girl until recent and is curious
it's not being a pervert

I agree, it should be stopped.

Kill yourself, retard.


calm down

I haven't seen Dragon Ball but it sounds based.

>Everyone is a pervert obsessed with the opposite gender.
MC isn't.
Bulma uses her sexuality (meaning showing her panties) to get what she wants. Totally based.
Krillin isn't
Yamcha can't even speak to girls, making it so that his wish is so he can talk normally to girls and get a GF. Kino AF
The one character that is a pervert is constantly made fun of cos he is a pervert, and that would be Master Roshi
Looks like some people can't read to save their fucking lives

Did not EVEN read.

MC is as I said here Bulma's main goal is getting a BF and she's a total slut
Oolong is obsessed with girls
Yamcha can't talk to girls because he's obsessed with them
Roshi is an extreme pervert but he's just "le funny old man XD"
Even Chi chi who looks like she's 6 is already into boys and sexual stuff
No clue who Krillin is because I've already dropped this trash anime after 8 episodes

One way or another every character's personality is heavily influenced by this sexual stuff, it's fucking retarded and annoying

Check western cartoons. Particularly 2007+. Those are made for your kind.

Here we go with this cope again. I kept watching One Piece thinking it would stop being trash but it never did, then people said I should switch to manga and it was the same trash, not going to fall for this meme again

>Check western cartoons. Particularly 2007+. Those are made for your kind.

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Ok. Next time try reading something where all the characters are Galahad.

This is the coomer mind.

>I kept watching
Your fault for being retarded. Manga consistently is the superior medium over shitnime.

Yeah I agree, Toriyama is a cum for brains retard. Unless you're calling me a coomer which couldn't be further from the truth

>can only no u

I'm criticizing Toriyama for heavily relying on sexual gimmicks you fucking mong, how can you call me a coomer?

You can only see what puff puff is in doujin.

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