I miss battle harems

I miss battle harems

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I miss Stella. Best girl of 2015.

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I don't miss them because 98% of them chickened out of doing harem endings and only had the generic, violent tsundere win.

Harems deserve better.

>of 2015

Girly Air force was pretty good.

But Rakudai wasn't a battle harem, Stella clearly won in like the first 3 episodes or something. It did have a banger of an OP and one of the best clashes that year though.


Battle harems or Isekai?

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Battle Academy Harems > RPG Isekai

>only now are harem endings happening more frequently
>series with it cut out for with strengthening friendship and love by fighting together don't get it the most

I liked the Annoesque ep of Rikudai

I miss this dumb plane

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Are there isekai battle harem series?

that's why it was good
>dat sword eater fight

>wow, this guy is sooo strong, but everyone thinks otherwise because he doesn't care to show off/his power is the weakest one
>wait, that's just like me! I'm smarter than everyone, it's just that I hide it

that's not how battle harems work. I think you've confused it with the bunny senpai thread

I'm rewatching Mahou Sensou because I'm a masochist.

As long as you skip everything that isn't Mui it's not that bad.


I've downloaded Rakudai for a rewtach and I've just realized that Stella is Taiga

I liked the one with lewd samurai

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>main girl drops the shitty tsundere act after the first fucking episode
>relationship/confession happens 3 episodes in
>no will they/won't they endless blueball harem bullshit
>main couple actually talks to each other when they have problems with the relationship instead of MISUNDERSTANDINGS drama
>MC doesn't sperg out like a autist when it comes to sexual stuff
>marriage proposal at the end
Rakudai was based as fuck. What went so right?

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Isekai's are essentially battle harems by another name.

I picked up VNs because I was tired of all the blue balling. I wanted to pick a girl and hear her moan as she gets fucked.

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Same. VNs scratch the itch that romance in anime and manga just can't.

The anal sex before mariage ? ( see volume 8 & 9 )

hum everything went so right indeed.

Based and Ikkipilled

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I sure as hell don't.

yeah, it was cool

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Fuck I was going to read the novel

oh shit, forgot about the subs

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It was an enjoyable surprise, that's for sure.

The only good battle harem