Kemono Jihen anime unveils cast, visual

>Kabane: Natsumi Fujiwara
>Inugami: Junichi Suwabe
>Akira: Ayumu Murase
>Shiki: Natsuki Hanae
Masaya Fujimori is directing.

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This looks like fujoshit


This is going to blow up hard. Manga is excellent.

Wonder if it’ll be postponed
>>Akira: Ayumu Murase
Knew it
>>Shiki: Natsuki Hanae
Uhh okay

MC already has a designated love interest. Though I'm not sure if it's enough to scare fujos away

Just realized Kabane’s CV is female. Don’t know how I feel about that

Since when has that ever stopped shipping? The whole cast basically consists of shotas. They will eat it up, same audience as Kimetsu.

Most kids are voiced by women. How new are you?

>Love interest ever scaring a fujo away
You're funny. We don't need our ships to be canon to enjoy them.

Kabane’s like 14 years old, a lot of adolescent anime boys are voiced by males. I always imagined he’d have a soft male voice

All shounen is fujoshit

>Shiki: Natsuki Hanae

>Kabane: Natsumi Fujiwara
>Inugami: Junichi Suwabe
>Akira: Ayumu Murase
>Shiki: Natsuki Hanae
how does his voice even fit Shiki.

Dude is 13 and no. Almost all young guys are voiced by women. Gon and Killua come to mind.

It's not unless having a male-dominated cast counts as fujoshit. MC has two lolis fawning over him 24/7 after they are introduced, and the villain is a big titty fox lady that lusts for power.

If anything, Kemono Jihen is for shotafags of all varieties.

>unless having a male-dominated cast counts as fujoshit.
It does.

Well, Akagi and Kaede could be interpreted as pretty homo and Shiki and Akira could too to an extent though I personally just see them as bros
And then there’s the brocon

It's 100% aimed at Fujos. At least they are given a lot of material to play with. All female characters apart from like two are villians. Lots of male bonding, fanservice.
Though I guess saying it's targeting people into Shotas is not wrong either.

Less than it being “aimed” at fujos I’d say the author is probably a fujo herself and just genuinely likes that kind of stuff

why is shounen the perfect medium for fujo fantasies?
Shounen shows regularly have bigger fujo followings than actually gay shows

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Yea basically that. Either way, I love the manga. Pretty good stuff. The dichotomy between the cute, childlike characters and their truly harsh backstories is always striking.

Because fujos are all about the relationship dynamics. Actual gay shows will start with the guys in a relationship (or get to that point quickly), and there's nothing left except for comedy and romantic fluff. Shounen series are endless, have more nuanced relationships between the MC and his friends/rivals, and have a large pool of boys to work with. There's also the fact that shounen will typically avoid having the MC fall for the designated love interest until the very end, so that gives plenty of time for fujos to imagine things however they want.

I guess it could be summed up as not all fujoshi want pure romcom shenanigans, so the action series that have aromantic MCs surrounded by other boys with strong relationships are the go-to choice.

I'm always a little startled when it goes from standard shounen with cute art to gory tragedy. The snow brothers arc was definitely an eye-opener.

Cause gay series have the guys act like genderbent females desu

Perfect explanation. BL stories most of the time just focuses on the romance. This is noce every now and then, but I want action and bigger plots along with my boys kissing.

It also doesnt help that most shounen writer create the most boring ans bland female loves interests, and put all of their character development and personalities into the other characters, especially the rival.

I wouldn't even say that BL focus on romance is its downfall, too many times its just them fucking.
In all of my favorite BL stuff, the main two either never fuck or them fucking is a plot element and not a focus

Yaoi is typically limited to 4-6 issues and they're all made with the idea they won't be popular enough to get a sequel. As such, authors have to: introduce the main couple, have them get to know each other, introduce the conflict that gets them closer, and finally have them get together within only those few issues. Compare this to shōnen, where you have boys supporting each other and growing closer over hundreds of issues. In a weird way, imagining shōnen boys getting together feels more natural than the actual romance in yaoi, which often just has the boys shag after only knowing each other for just a few days.

Luffy was 17 when OP started and he is still voiced by a granny.

Ash is a billion years old and is still voiced by a woman.

> In a weird way
It's not weird, that typically how most relationships should be.
You're absolutely right.

That always makes me laugh when shonenbros complain that fujos are invading their space. Maybe if the authors wrote female love interests worth giving a shit about there would be less boy/boy shipping? I mean look at Kabane- he has two good girls lusting for his autismo cock every time they appear, so most of the shipping attentions go to the side characters.

The five chapter formula has been perfected at this point. Long-running series with an MC that happens to fall for a guy in the end when? in b4 Ao no Flag

sasaki to miyano?

That was a BL romcom from the start, so while it was exciting to see it finally happen, it was also inevitable.

Thinking more along the lines of a typical shounen/fantasy series where the MC forges strong relationships through hardship and at the end he falls for the deuteragonist he spent 90% of the series bonding with instead of the underdeveloped girl.

Will watch

something like that would be interesting, but honestly I'd end up hating it because westerners would make such a big deal out of it that it'd be soured