
best boy is best

Attached: A Certain Scientific Railgun - S03E13 - System-00h23m33s954t.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

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Why should I care? I’m attracted to Saten.

Well I guess nobody cares because we all are you dumb hillbilly bitch. You’re not special.

>Touma just waltzing into the Raildex preview and saying the Index preview catchphrase
Kek. If only Index III wasn't such a fucking disaster then this would've been an even greater power move.

I admit it, this shit is fucking fire.
At least it's fucked up like real bad.

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Happy Birthday Misaka Mikoto.

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Is Aogami a kamaсhi's self-insert?

Attached: saten giving touma her pantsu.jpg (1280x720, 218.99K)


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It's gonna be May.

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I was expecting her to teleport the knife into liquid snake's body


How do you feel about your girl being attracted to that ape?

>got rid of the ass

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Holy based.

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Yes, that or Crowley

No, he's R/a/ildex's self-insert.

Wasn't this show corona'd?
Why is there a new episode?

now it is.


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Wrong best boy OP

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>user says for the 3rd time this month

*le dance routine intensifies*

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Did I miss a thread or something? Last night there was a shitty thread with a Misaka OP so I went to sleep and then I was bussy in the morning. Is this it? The episode was actually really good.

my girl (male) is touma

I watched the episode and there was no thread so I posted one.

No dragons = no hype

I am only watching Railgun for when Touma and good characters from Index show up. I find the main cast of Railgun unforgivably dull.

Attached: raildex main characters.png (1280x681, 1.53M)

We all do.

the 13th episode is being reaired
theres nothing about a corona delay

Is she a vampire now? Giving me some sirius vibes.

Lol no one who's a fan of Raildex actually likes index.

this but the opposite

Lurk more.

Railgun is dead.

That's a real downer. For once and of course excepting delaying the dragons, I think most of the choices made by the anime to rearrenge the manga events paid off, and that perspective change shot with Mitori's camera was really neat and genuinely clever camera work.

I watch railgun for the dub.

The recap at the beginning of the episode was a waste of time desu. They could've covered more material in the episode.

I'm just glad my current waifu made it out fine.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T - 13 [1080p].mkv - 0004.jpg (1920x1080, 291.3K)

Wow Kuroko's english voice sucks.

Based JTfag.

>my current waifu
You disgust me and you don't deserve her.

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She is just my temporary blonde waifu until best girl Othinus appears in the anime.

*Wow, everyone's English voices suck

I dunno, the pompous bitch is perfect imo.

I wish I could cast Mather or Aleister's meme magic over the internet right now.

>Kuroko's fight was fucking GARBAGE.

I waiting 7 years for this.