Boku no Hero Academia

>Season 4 finale was the best animated episode in the series

Attached: Kek.png (569x276, 87.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>you have to help with the next job
Compress just picked the perfect candidate

Attached: 1515944726824.png (980x974, 1.54M)

this is a dumbler fag who hate endeavor and admitted a few weeks ago that his dumbler account was shut cause of child pornography and he finds this site throw friend!!

Attached: 202418493.png (1625x797, 372.4K)

Attached: 1579346879107.png (1280x636, 1.13M)

Please rank your favorite seasons.

Attached: Mio_yeah_ok3_ep3.png (651x666, 271.39K)

Attached: 1588275340769.jpg (1000x707, 201.34K)

S2 > S3 > S1=S4

the best story, fight, and animation.


Attached: Endeavor's UFO.gif (520x293, 381.51K)

Sounds like a lie


Attached: 1568389203467.png (1239x1531, 1.33M)

Shigaraki wakes up and kills the lazer guy

read the pic, I copied the post number where he admitted that but it got deleted but this time I get a print scan

>S4 > S1 > S2 > S3
>The best one > The okay one > The neutral one > The shit one

Okay but anyone could claim anything

Attached: 173302.jpg (365x483, 58.53K)

>The bait one

he even admits he's a spammer. and why would he claim something like that if it's not true!

Attached: spammer.png (882x599, 60.27K)

>and why would he claim something like that if it's not true!
Probably hates Miriofag


I am the guy who made that screenshot and Horikoshi

Post the anime version faggot replybot

Dabifag is rapefag, but not the original one, the og rapefag stopped a month ago and is actually a functional sane human being

but this a bad attention, people start attacking him

Is it normal to absolutely love his character design? I think it's my favorite design ever. It's pretty simplistic, too, and not even all that original. I just love how he looks for some reason.


Attached: 1586002911882.webm (728x410, 2.97M)

What about this guy then?

Thats Dabifag who took over the "Endeavor raped his wife" posting

I know, but this is dabifag admitting he's rapefag, miriofag, and dekucuck. it's killing me that he deleted the post where he admitted he's a dumblerfag and it's stupid from me to copy the post number

they’re all shit this shojo is for autistic children

Bones skipped that panel.

S1 > S2 > S3 >>>>>>>>>>>>S4
The last one is the best one

are you ready for shiggy to thanos snap the h*ros

Attached: throne of rubble.jpg (710x499, 117.96K)

That's just some user messing with you, i've seen Miriofag and Dabifag posting at the same time, not to mention that there are multiple DekuCHADS and Miriofag hates us.


Attached: checkem.jpg (289x428, 73.02K)

There's multiple Dekufags and they're all subhumans

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There are multiple Miriofags too you dumb dekufag.