Remember when people loved this series?

Remember when people loved this series?

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Most people still do, it just has a lot of haters now

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It was always retarded shounen shit, but everything has a limit

I dropped it during the Yakuza arc. Jesus, what a boring arc that was. Haven't been interested in the series since

Porn is still good tho.

I remember when I liked Deku, I like the manga right now because he isn't around.

just read the superior version

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I miss old my hero threads before the anime came out, hell before the thing even got popular, the same thing is happening to chainsaw man I dread the day when it gets an anime, if you find a new good manga enjoy your time with it because at some point it's going to get popular and Zig Forums will hate it for that

not on Zig Forums, no, there's been pretty persistent hate

Come to think of it, there's a lot of antipathy towards battle manga in general on here. I'm sure part of it has to do with the "gateway drug" status a lot of the series have, but then there's the factional warfare by groups who are obsessed with their one Super Special Snowflake Shonen Series that is totally different from all other battle manga, you guys, and better. Then those fuckers who go into the other groups threads to shit them up with extremely low level shitposting...

In short, don't discuss anything on Zig Forums unless it's boring enough to ward off the childrens or was created primarily a means of encouraging masturbation

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I remember when that chapter came out, it was one of the first and strongest moments of Deku the madman. But as much as it pains me to admit it, he's not the madman anymore. The manga lost a spark that it used to have.

Well, Deku hasn't had a spotlight moment since the gentle arc. I feel like we need to wait how the current arc plays out before judging him

I do and I hated seeing it everywhere. But now plenty of people hate it so I decided to pick it up and I rather enjoy it. Contrarians always win in the end.

>if you find a new good manga enjoy your time with it because at some point it's going to get popular and Zig Forums will hate it for that
>In short, don't discuss anything on Zig Forums unless it's boring enough to ward off the childrens or was created primarily a means of encouraging masturbation


No, it's just that Shonen and especially Battle Shonen are just bad by their nature.

They are still fun so who cares how bad they are

It was always mediocre at best. Dropped this like 40 chapters in because of all the battle shounen cliches.
Nips really do love the same rehashed shit over and over again, huh.

Did you ever expect this to be as big as Naruto/One Piece? It was just a fad, and now Kimetsu no Yaiba has taken its place. Given time, that too shall be replaced.


>caring for the opinion of Zig Forums beyond recs

I still think it’s kino, I just dab on the haters instead of listening to them.

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Dropped at the same point, Mirio was cool at least. I don't really get Erifags though; and it seems like everytime an interesting character is shown they get shoved to the backburner plotwise immediately.
Can't relate on the porn though, it's all either Fujoshit or Giga-sized tittes that make no proportional sense.

>there's a lot of antipathy towards battle manga in general on here
Makes sense, Zig Forums's userbase has changed in the last couple years and now the board's filled with shounentards, literally half of all Zig Forums threads at any given time is shounenshit. Just look right now.
>Shokugeki no Souma thread
>2 DragonBall threads
>World Trigger thread
>5 BNHA threads
>2 One Piece threads
>ChainsawMan thread
>Tower of God thread
>Kimetsu no Yaiba thread
>4 Naruto/Boruto threads
>2 JJBA threads
>HxH thread
>2 Bleach threads
>OPM thread
>Samurai8 thread
Userbase literally changed from adults to teens who migrated here from Reddit.

One of the strongest aspects of the series ended up being it's downfall. Hori designed a large cast of classmates all at once. He then designs a whole other class. He designs a bunch of heroes, then designs more heroes, then designs even more. Now all these characters are fighting for attention. Hardening wasn't a character you had any real reason to like, then he gets development. Character designs like Toga immediately become loved with literally only a single page. Similarly to how Oda was told that the chapter lacked punch so overnight he designed all the Supernovas, Hori can make designs that are decent and varied.

The issue is that Mojo isn't being applied to the main cast. Imagine if Mei had interacted with Deku more regularly, and Deku started having more things in his toolset. Shouldn't Uraraka try to get Mei's jetpack, since her quirk was the key to making that baby a success during the horse game? Bakugou's costume design was great from the beginning, but Deku and Todokiri's outfits suck so much that the hood doesn't get worn and the ice outfit that covers half his body is replaced by the generic sporty uniform they all wear during training. For fucks sake, make the main character look cool.

All the adults went to /r/anime.

>HxH thread
How? They haven't got a chapter in like 2 years.

Hit that nail right on the head, user.
He's REALLY good at character design but he just keeps adding more and more. I barely know any of them.
Does Bakugo even talk to his classmates? How many lines has Sero or sugarlips even said the past 100 chapters?

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It seemed like it was building up to something really incredible at one point after all for one was defeated, and then it just never picked back up again.

>and then it just never picked back up again.
Up until now, at least

Same, I tried to pick it up back again but I just couldn't get through the school festival arc, knowing about O MY SEVEN QUIRKS didn't made it any easier

Yes, it was when the stakes were low and Deku had short term clear goals

The characters fighting for attention is part of it. Another part is that the different parts of the plot are fighting for attention. On one hand you have the story of the training stuff at school. Tests and training exercises, picking hero names, school festivals, etc. On the other hand you've got the league of villains, AfO, the Yakuza, and so forther fucking things up while the professional heroes try and deal with them. The two stories meld poorly. Time is stolen from what the class is doing to cover what the villains and the heroes are doing, then when the story returns to the class it's slow paced and boring in comparison.

I enjoyed the Villain arc and this one is pretty good too. Some of the previous arcs were mediocre though.

The additional quirks thing felt so fucking wrong the only way to cope is ignoring the existence of the main character completely

And hori is doing so lately