What is the appeal of brown girls in anime and manga?

What is the appeal of brown girls in anime and manga?

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>brown skin

terrible cominbatoin.


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It is a mystery.

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they are rare and therefore worth more. also brown girls in anime are almost always portrayed in a sexual or more daring way.

my dick

They are lewd plus thier skin contrasts really well with milky white juices.

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They look great covered in semen.

it's refreshing it's exotic and it just looks good imo..

Sowing your seed in exotic soil.

Watching Kuro bite her lip while her cup gets filled to the brim. That's the appeal of brown girls.

The world may never know.

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Brown skin implies a healthy tan, which can only be gotten if the character sunbaths in the nude, making the character less restricted.
That's the common theme one automatically assumes about it. The character in question might actually not do that, might be naturally brown or whatever, but the idea behind it is obviously that they're more exposed to the sun, aka being outdoors.
Which in our society where the majority of us live in compact cities and keep working indoors (now even more pronounced than ever with that pandemic going on), is seen as quite exotic.

This is a reversal to back then, when pale skin was seen as great, because it meant that you didn't have to work outside.
Basically, the grass is greener on the other side.

You feel the latent urge to COLONIZE

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They are slutty as fuck.

Toasty brown

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>little brown girls are the best

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I don't get it either.

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is it just me or is that eye extraordinarily large? (or maybe misplaced a little?) Its freaking me out

Man I loved Nemesis. I'm sad Darkness ended right after it finally started getting interesting with the Nemesis merge arc.


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Follow up question, what color should the nipples be on brown girls? Darker brown? Black? Pink? White?

Delicious pink is best.

Obviously depends on the skin tone of the girl.
For this choco-ilya, I expect it to be around the same kind of pink as her blushing cheek in the opening picture.

Pink because I like the contrast.

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Anyone say brown?

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Like this.

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Silly user, Jahy is not a nigger.

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What a cunt.

>her skin is the colour of shit
>isn't that discrimination?

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i don't know but it's painfully hot

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