My god season 4 is shit

couldn't get passed episode 8, i'm dropping this shitty ass show just like i did with one punch man

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>Make a cast of interesting side characters with interesting powers and abilities
>make your MC an unlikeable asspull crybaby that punches hard
really nice Japan, truly the best media the world has to offer :^)

Feels good to be a cloverCHAD

the first 3 seasons are ok but my god season 4 is one punch man season 2 quality. just dogshit, i'm skipping this season and hope 5 is somewhat better

gay clover is fucking dogshit, couldn't get pass the pilot

Imagine being an MHAfag and liking a main character who cries to win. When you have the Chadsta who literally just throws himself at a problem until its fixed

>herocuck calling anything gay

>imagine enjoying a narutoe rip off

>who literally just throws himself at a problem until its fixed
Asta is smarter than that (unlike Deku).

I dropped it right after the All might vs ofa

i just hope season 5 pulls me back in

Black Clover's mc is vomit tier. Fucking stupid as shit looking. Wtf is his hair.
The show is crap but even if it wasn't the atrocious character design cannot be overlooked.

Okay, so you have no idea about Absa or who he is.

herocucks got filtered by Chadsta

with the premise that he is a dwarf orphan from the middle ages and with a harem, that's the end for me

>one punch man
It's only 12 episodes, just finish it.

season 2 is dogshit

Yeah I prefer it to the asspull of ability Deku gets everytime he struggles. Asta actually needs other people to help him and he's debatably weaker then Yuno. Making him not just some ass who can do whatever the fuck he wants

One punch man manga is really good tho

Just watch the last 2 episodes for Endeavor KINO

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Aside from the animation quality, which is only so shit because Season 1 was so good, I actually enjoyed the Season 2 a lot more story wise. You just have shit taste.

Overhaul arc had so much potential but it didn't deliver

You should finish it though because it ends on a good note

The segment of OPM that was made into S2 had the least compelling storytelling in the series. Before it was a nice slice of life/capeshit parody mashup and after we actually start to get info about monsters, heroes, and Garou's kino moments but in between it's just incredibly generic shonen stuff but with Garou as an antagonist instead of a protagonist or generic hero stuff with Saitama at the tournament or the S-Class fighting monsters

i'm just waiting for my vilain academia, then I’d drop this shit definitively

read the manga if you want an actually good superhero story, fuck mha

I don't understand the hate for OPM Season 2; I mean, there were certainly parts that weren't great, but it's not like was nu-Berserk levels of horrendousness


Get out while you can. Deku’s homosexual obsession with Bakugou only gets worse as the series progresses. He’s a bigger faggot now than he was in chapter one.

Season 5 will adapt what probably made a lot of people drop the manga so I wouldn't be so optimistic if I were you.

this but unironically

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I've never seen such a drop in quality of animation from season 1 to 2.

Season 2 looked like absolute SHIT. I couldn't get through one episode. Like naruto filler tier

Based and saved, thank you user

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dubs of truth.
The last two episodes are literally the only important thing going forward. Nothing that happened during overhaul or the culture festival matters in the slightest, but Endeavor's mini-arc introducing Hawks, Miruko and High-End Nomu is literally the most important thing going forward.

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Asta has won 2 fights by himself in the 200+ chapters the manga has been running. One was against Sekke, the de facto comedy relief character, and the other was against Ladros, who had already nearly been defeated and was only taken out because the witch queen puppeted Asta into unlocking his black form.
Every single other fight he's participated in has been a group effort. Let that sink in. The guy with Anti-magic, the most OP magic in the entire Black Clover series, isn't able to just stomp on everyone because Tabata managed to make his power balanced by making sure to maintain the complexity of fights. Hori does some excellent character writing, but Tabata beats him in fight execution 9 times out of 10.