Can we all agree that the best girl for luffy is vivi?

can we all agree that the best girl for luffy is vivi?

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why do they all share the same body type

These girls are all ugly as fuck.

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Aside from Hancock nobody in that image want Luffy's dick

I don't know why some people still bother shipping them

>closest friend's hot sister
>canonically kissed
>not desperate as fuck
It's Baeju and only Baeju, OP at least it would be if Luffy wasn't asexual

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Carrot will be Luffy's pirate queen, unlike the other girls she actually has chemistry with Luffy.


because oda is based

vivi is lesbian tho

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luffyxshirahoshi is canon tho.

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Luffy love interest tier list

Top tier
Nami, Shirahoshi

High tier

Mid tier
Alvida, Reiju

Low tier

Gag tier

I sanji knew all this luffy would be dead meat

>Vivi has the smallest chest in the pic.


Attached: Vivi's vivis.jpg (1280x720, 198.18K)

Is there a tsundere in that pic never watched

Marguerite is so cute.

>comparing pre-ts to post-ts
Based retard

Luffy love interest tier list

Only tier

Irrelevant tier
Literally everyone else

Cope, Hammockfag.

No need to cope when there's no other competition. Unless Oda ends up introducing another love interest, there's literally just Hancock.

This please, for maximum cute offspring only.

Luffy is Asexual

You retards, do realize that shipping Luffy with royalties like Miss Wenturd and Shiraoshit means that he would be king of their country, right? I'm sure Luffy would never do that. It would hinder his freedom and he is not intersted in that, the only ship that make sense is Hancock and maybe Nami.

Imagine thinking Hancock is in the race.

Hancock isn't a love interest. Luffy has none.

He has a couple girls with super lightly implied crushes and one desperate lovestruck cake. None of the former have shown up since their arcs ended and Hancock's infatuation is just a gag.

He's going to end the series single.

only pudding x sanji

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all three princesses are obsessed with luffy

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Won't keep him from getting a waifu.

are these supposed to be different women? Beacuse they all look like the exact same (very ugly) chick with different wigs.

post your ideal anime waifu