Shingeki no Kyojin

Mikasa has always been a satellite character and always will be.

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I'm pretty much done with the manga at this point desu, not even saying that I hate it or love it, just that I feel indifferent towards it.
Anways, what kind of manga do you want him to draw next?

Probably a romcom or something.

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>We don't have time to think about Eren right now
He is the fucking Emperor of Paradis now, Armong. All the problems you are listing can be solved by talking to him.

Romcom, really? Isayama can't write romance even if his life depended on it

Both Hange and Armong like to screech a lot and do nothing. They need to calm down.

Will Isayama look back in regret in his choice of armcuck over Erwin

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They both should have died in RtS

He's going to try to wank Armong so much in hopes that eventually people will think he was the right choice. Wouldn't be shocked if Levi says it too.

What was Zig Forums's reaction to this page? It kinda caught me off-guard desu and I still don't know what to think of it.

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Chadnie will destroy Shitren's plan and face

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He already learned all her moves and knows how she fights. Nothing she can do.

Bitchnie is going to die a traitor's death, just like she deserves

How does Hange do nothing? She is the only besides Eren that takes action by herself in this whole arc.

i only like gabi because everyone else here hates her

This but with Armin for me

I thought
>Wow Eren got really tall, not so long ago they were about the same height. Mikasa is small compared to him now
That's all

It's hard to believe that when the alliance first formed a little over a year ago, there were people who actually thought they had chance at stopping Eren, or that the final panel wasn't Eren telling his child they are free. Looking back, it was pretty obvious that the story would end this way.

This is a pointless comparison. Armin is struggling and doubting himself but is obviously being set up to "prove himself" at a later point. Furthermore, if he did react coolheaded and have a plan ready to go immediately people would just whine that he's a Gary Stu and Isayama is playing favorites again. He literally can't win.

You are wrong on all accounts


>annie simps

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Eldian victory and free cider for days with many milfs to be had. Sounds like fucking bliss to me.



God bless namaniku ATK

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Shit op, another dead thread

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I feel like Isayama killed Erwin because he didn't know where to go with his character. But now he doesn't know what to do with Armong

Not into shipping, but I unironically think it's probably the second. Eren's never shown much interest in romance, and he seems so sad and hopeless here, not at all like someone trying to receive a love confession.

I see the people who thought there wouldn't be an alliance at all are pretending they understand the story again. Leave that work to actual plotchads, it's clearly too difficult for your peabrains.

I miss Yumiru

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Remember when Arminfags called the Alliance way before all these stupid forced subplots and warrior wanking had even begun? Yet you were laughing at them and now you went on full damage control, pathetic.