
You’re looking forward to season 2, I suppose.

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I regret even finishing the first one. Emilia a shit

hahaha, no. re:zero sucks.

I was, until Corona killed it. And me

Watching it just for her at this point

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Eh, I guess I'll watch it but don't care that much. S1 had some good episodes but finale was terrible and if rest of the series is like this I'll drop it.

I'm looking forward to it a lot. It's a shame corona had to fuck everything up.

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Yes, but the wait is not funny

I like this little girl. I get the feeling she's more important than the show lets on though. Like she's secretly a 700 year old super vampire who just fucks around reading because it's what she enjoys.

Re:Zero is willing to go to incredibly dark places in the first several episode this contrasts with the happier moments and the cutesier characters and makes the triumphs feel that much much ore of a relief and joy, but as the show progress and onslaught of torment they but Subaru through is to much for fully recover from, BS BS BS screw this show I'm not watching anime so and can see a man be tortured into insanity. shows like this might catch attention in the short term for their over the top brutality but in the long run no body will remember or give a shit about trash anime like Re:zero.

Only for morbid curiosity, if I can't get at least one tap dancing clown webm out of this shitshow it will be a loss.

>Like she's secretly a 700 year old super vampire who just fucks around reading because it's what she enjoys.
You're like, 10% right

Animeonly here, will S2 feature more of the cutest girl Felto?

No, arc 4 is boxed entirely within a region in Roswaal's territory called Sanctuary as well as occasional trips back to the mansion, but only Petra, Fredrica and Rem are there.

Want to see LIAR scene voiced by Takahashi Rie.

Friendly reminder that this would improve the story 10 times.

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femdom > your NEET soul searching bullshit

Emilia would need to find a personality first for that to happen.

Is this Frozen Bond ova not new or something?
why is no one talking about it?

Because it's not that interesting. It's slow and when it isn't slow it's full of action set pieces that don't matter and take up the rest of the time. Most of anything Puck does is irrelevant because he goes retarded by the end so you're left with vague hinting things we already know about with no answers or particularly useful revelations.

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That's why it's easy to turn her into a domina, pegging Subaru's nerd ass until he howls with shame and spews all over the sheets.

Her lack of personality is a feature here, not a bug.

Like, something is better than nothing, but if you're going that route you might as well have Priscilla take him away.

>Came out in 2016
I thought it came out 2 years ago???

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Nope. Kadokawa is retarded.

I meant it felt 2 years ago.
Fuck... what am I doing with my life?

The fire horse thing was interesting
has he ever been mentioned before?

Not specifically, but he's the reason Puck is the Great Spirit of Fire now. He's also dead and was just kind of an asshole antagonist without any depth picking on poor little Emilia.
Like, if we got any information or exploration of what he knows, why he thinks the way he does, where he came from, etc... I might agree, but he literally just possessed the body of a rapist just to antagonize Emilia more.
The interesting things here are the presentation of her witch powers and maybe the black snake, but both of those are going to be covered better in S2 so this amounts to little more than a teaser of sorts.

This is actually one of my main issues with Emilia from a writing standpoint, and it's not so much her per se as it is characters around her. There seem to be very legitimate reasons why people might be concerned about her, or racist against elves or whatever. They're sort of selfish reasons, but why would you risk your whole town getting stabbed, mutilated, twisted and burned by having an elf around if everyone knows that's a likely outcome? But nobody really brings that up, everyone is just wrong for being mean to Emilia and blaming her for things that aren't her fault and that's about as far as that goes.
Same thing with Butt Stallion here, Emilia accuses him of targeting her for reasons unrelated to her, but is he really? She has a powerful magic spirit that was seeking her out that was made by a witch, she's almost certainly the daughter of a witch and has witch powers, her resemblance to Satella is uncanny and she's the key to some kind of magic door. She's clearly not just a completely normal, uninvolved girl, even if she never chose that involvement, but none of that gets brought up by anyone, they just autistically attack her while she rambles about people not seeing her for her when even she doesn't seem to acknowledge everything she is. I'd almost be willing to say Melakura, and definitely Echidna, are attacking her for her, she just doesn't know or refuses to acknowledge herself.
Maybe that actually will be brought up and addressed at some point but for now it's just narratively irritating.

Don't you mean China?

I love Shaula

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Yes, Re: Zero is unironically a pleb filter, it's overwhelmingly contrarian retard niggers trying to fit in who dislike it.

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