Pre-2000s anime

It's Friday so it's that time again. What have you been watching? See any hidden gems recently? I'm about to start Kyou kara Ore wa!! and then watch all those obscure SNK OVAs no one watches

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Never watched Magic Knight Rayearth. Is it worth the time? What do you think about it, anons?

As far as isekai anime goes, it's one of better ones. I'd say it's worth watching.

I'm about to finish all of Patlabor, I'd say it's probably one of my favorite series now
I liked it and would recommend it

Completely and utterly forgettable. I say skip it. If an isekai is what you want watch aura battler dunbine. If you want one with high school girls as protagonists watch strange dawn

I finished reading today this absolute mindfuck.

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Watching a lot of Yuu Yuu Hakusho.

Oddly enough, its pretty good.

very trippy stuff

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I finished Remy, Nobody's Girl today. The first part was really good, but then episode 12 was really stupid, and after that many of the episodes began to feel more like filler, still enjoyable though. But then the girl got more and more annoying with her attitude, and the writing got dumb with how they didn't think to look for her at the market that was there for a full week, and in the end the morality also got really bothersome, like, is your mother who has raised you with love your whole life suddenly worth nothing to you because you aren't blood related? And the idea of a girl of a rich family having to come in and fix things for the stupid, poor people. And poorly executed romance too.
The first part was a clear 8/10, but all the things that began to annoy me dragged it down.

Also a bit disappointing that her performances were completely forgotten about after the first few episodes, she only ever knew one song and she was hired for singing but barely ever sung and never after the first part. I can get over that though, it just wasn't what I was hoping for but I still enjoyed it a lot for what it was. It was the other things that were actually annoying.

Also wondering, the backgrounds look amazing, but is this look what you mean by "soulless"?

Anyway, I recommend this anime to others, especially if you like feelsy episodic stuff.

I absolutely love Magic Knight Rayearth. Please watch it, both seasons.

Absolutely disagreed.

>Oddly enough, its pretty good.
The consensus is that it's a classic show. Nothing odd about it.

I just finished watching Akira for the first time. I think that my brain overheated right now.

Thanks, anons. I'm trying it.

Already watched Dunbine. First time i'm hearing about Strange Dawn, looks interesting.

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Halfway through my Cawboy Bebop rewatch after several years later, and I'm enjoying it.

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Can we take a minute to talk about how TMS Entertainment was the most badass ballsy animation studio of the 70's/80's/90's? Thinking about it. In a span of just 6 years
>They created Lupin III Part II in 1977 which would not only be one of the most influential and beloved series ever created, but it was a major success lasting 155 episodes and would even have 2 episodes directed by Hayao Miyazaki (who also worked on the first Lupin series which is even better than part 2)
>2 years later in 1979 they adapted Rose of Versailles which would go on to be one of if not the most important shoujo anime ever created with deep complex characters and a story far more mature than anything being released at the time.
>The SAME YEAR they released The Castle of Cagliostro which was Hayao Miyazaki's solo directorial debut feature which was critically acclaimed and helped kickstart his next feature Nausicaa followed by the creation of Studio Ghibli which is now considered to be the Disney of Japan.
>Less than 1 year after Rose of Versailles had premiered, TMS decided to adapt Ashita no Joe 10 years after Mushi Productions adapted it which was also an already iconic series and manga. Ashita no Joe 2 (as well as 1) would go on to be the greatest sports anime ever created with one of the greatest character pieces ever adapted for an anime.
>2 years later Space Adventure Cobra was adapted which ended becoming one of the coolest and most stylistic anime of the decade
>Less than a year later in 1983 they decided to make a big budget theatrical film based on the popular manga, Golgo 13. The film would be a schlocky avant garde thriller masterpiece with some of the most beautiful visuals ever seen in a anime, It also featured a scene that was made with 3D computer animation over a decade before it became the norm.

>The same year (2 months later in fact) TMS adapted Tsukasa Hojo's Black Cat which was not only successful but it paved way for Sunrise to adapt the City Hunter manga which would also become a hugely beloved anime franchise (and TMS would adapt it's spin-off, "Angel Heart" in the 00's)
>5 years later TMS would tackle their biggest challenge yet by adapting the popular manga series, Akira into a massive budget theatrical film. It nearly made them bankrupt but it has since become one of the most important and beloved animated films ever created and not just in Japan. (Also Nemo)
>2 years later they ended up doing A LOT of animation work on Western cartoons such as Tiny Toon Adventures followed Batman The Animated Series, and Animaniacs. These are all cartoons that helped kickstart the animation renaissance of the 1990's.
>Around the same time they were pumping out other good shows such as Magic Knight Rayearth and even adapting an anime version of the popular video game series, Virtua Fighter
>It wasn't until 1996 when TMS decided to adapt Detective Conan which ended up being a juggernaut that is still airing to this day with nearly 1000 episodes being made.
>They would end the 90's by releasing the underrated Cybersix anime
>The 2000's is when TMS started to slow down but they were still pumping out interesting and popular shows such as the extremely popular kids anime, Hamtaro in 2000, and the German Expressionistic horror anime, Requiem From the Darkness in 2003.
>Also in 2003 TMS adapted another video game franchise. This time it would be everyone's favorite blue Hedgehog. Sonic The Hedgegog. Sonic X would become a hugely popular show both in Japan and in the West.
>In 2006 they released the popular shounen series, Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple
>The same year they released the very popular and successful D.Gray-man anime.
>They would also go on to adapt other popular established franchises such as Fist of the North Star and Saint Seiya

>In recent history they have released popular shows (regardless of whether or not they're good or bad) such as Yowamushi Pedal, ReLIFE, Megalo Box, Baki the Grappler, Fruits Basket, Dr. Stone, and the current flavor of the month anime, Tower of God
I'd say they have a pretty prestigious history.

I finished Doomed Megalopolis. It was pretty cool but the ending felt a bit flat. Id still reccomend it

Cowboy Bebop gets better every time i rewatch it, I think that it may be my favorite anime now and to think that I was unimpressed when i watched it the first time. I was much younger then, though.

Finished Captain Tylor, ans just started Yatsura.
Tylor is good, but the tone shift at the end is wierd

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I see lots if hyperboles and very little substance. Is this the power of pre-2000 threads?

Speak English.

>early 90's madhouse
sure I'll give it a try.

I'll post what I have.

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I really can't make up my mind about what to watch next. There's nothing I feel that I want to watch. Maybe I'll watch an episode of Dunbine, or maybe I'll give Hunter x Hunter a go, I really don't know. I also feel obligated to watch Trigun at some point, but don't feel like it.

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I just want to say Trigun is one of the best anime ever and the fact you haven't already seen it is shameful. I can only imagine the large quantity of cool shit you've never checked out if that's one that has slipped past you.

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