So does Japan just REALLY hate Americans or what...

So does Japan just REALLY hate Americans or what? Any time there's an American in any anime I see they're always the biggest asshole ever. They even get racist usually when there's a black character but just American's in general they always make into the worst possible character. I mean it's funny so i'm not really complaining i'm just wondering why that's the case. Japan really is salty over those bombs aren't they lol

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Geez user I don't know. Why would they hate the country that nuked them 2 times and raped their women? Shit's crazy.

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your own post is a hint why murican are portrayed as they are

>rapes their women

like they did with China? Fuck out of here trying to make them into a victim lol Japan was fucked up in ww2 they deserved those bombs.

It was worse on Ring ni Kakero. That one had the American champion forming a team of people who were clearly not boxers to challenge the mc and his friends. It was "Yamato no tamashii" up to eleven

Not always. There's plenty of American characters that are decent. Try watching more anime

Amerilard detected

>Geez user I don't know. Why would they hate the country that nuked them 2 times and raped their women? Shit's crazy.
they don't, at least the younger generation literally doesn't care
plus the 2nd nuke was very clearly Tojos fault

Americans get portrayed as arrogant and pompous cunts in media? Truly shocking, this has never happened before.

Sports anime are always the best because you can really see Japan's inferiority complex front and center lol American athletes are always so much bigger, stronger, more athletic, etc that's how they are always depicted then the Japanese manlet's somehow win because they try so much harder lol as if that would ever actually happen. OPs picture is from Koroko No Basket Last Game where a Japanese highschool team plays against the best 18 under USA players who go around the world playing other representatives from other countries. All of the players on Japan's team are like 15 playing against the best 18 year old players USA has to offer. And Japan wins by 1 point. In basketball. Our best sport we dominate the world in. Yeah alright tiny whatever.

>I mean it's funny so i'm not really complaining i'm just wondering why that's the case. Japan really is salty over those bombs aren't they lol
this just screams seething, even though you're right.

I said in any anime I see. The majority of anime depict american characters as such assholes. I don't see them do this with Europeans, other Asians, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Canadian, etc. They really don't like us like at all.

but i'm right. Look up Rape of Nanking. That was just the biggest most infamous. They did that all over China not just that 1 time.

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Both were Japan's fault. We warned them THREE times for 2 bombs.

>Japan fuck off or we'll blow the shit out of you
>Japan this is your last chance we are dropping a bomb in 5 minutes unless you surrender. Our planes are in position.
>Japan now that you've seen the bomb please surrender so we don't need to drop the other
>"... Japan is now ready to hear the terms of your surrender USA."

fucking idiots.

>this is what mutts actually believe
the absolute state

You can't rape soulless insects.

Everyone is a cunt to eachother
Americunts portrays ruskies, Chinks, Sandmen... , as rapists and murderers and get butthurt when someone else does the same

that's why? It's the bombs? Thought it was because they are shit at sports which is why I notice this the most in sports anime.

>I said in any anime I see
30 anime is not a lot user

He's right though. Who the fuck eats French Fries with Mayo instead of ketchup?

that's really what happened. We warned them twice before dropping the 1st bomb. We asked them to surrender like a day before the bombing, they refused, we gave them a 2nd chance to surrender right before the bombing maybe not 5 minutes but it was right before, they refused. Then we warned them before dropping the 2nd bomb which they also refused. They were clearly fucking idiots.

what are you Japanese?

>Any time there's an American in any anime I see they're always the biggest asshole ever
here's your rec
watch more anime

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Japan was a country where the emperor had to declare that he wasn't a god in the Japan were a country where the emperor had to make a Humanity Declaration, a single bomb wasn't going to make them change.

There're two reasons for that.

>You can't rape soulless insects.
Clearly you've not seen the videos that I've seen.

and how is that our fault they're stubborn idiots? Surrender and we wont blow you up it was that simple. We gave them chances.

what are they?

Zazan made me feel things...

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I really dont know, I would assume japanese wouldn't like america during WWII and especially after, Idk if the current gen still cares, but usually in a story the main characters are set up in an underdog position and to make us root for them they make the "bad guys" jerks. I dont watch alot of sports anime, only slam dunk, what other anime makes the americans assholes? Are they complete irredeemable assholes, or are they just boisterous frat bros?

Do what said and watch more plenty have good Americans in them. Yes we had a horrible war with atrocities on both sides. But you forget that America helped repair Japan after the bombs and made them into the country they are today. Hell we wouldn't even have anime without this because Anime was created by Japanese creators copying cartoons and changing them into something new. We have bad history but anyone with basic knowledge of Japan beyond anime knows that their most important and strongest ally is the U.S and the U.S needs Japan as well it's a great bond.

The Japanese indeed have this image in their head that Americans are huge, violent, rough and passive aggressive

Americans usually tend to have huge ego compared to Japanese who are more cooperative and use polite speech when talking

America is the land of the Assholes. Just look at Twitter and this site.

>Just look at twitter
the absolute state of non american posters

>Americans usually tend to have huge ego compared to Japanese who are more cooperative and use polite speech when talking
have you actually ever been to america, or like anywhere outside of boston or pittsburgh

None likes you faggot get used to it.

Learn Japanese and go on their social media
They are way worse than you think.

>look at twitter aka the subhuman wasteland
>judge a country based off the lowest of the low

>like they did with China?
And China sure loves japan,right?

Good thing Japan plays a real man's sport like Rugby like the rest of the chad world.

Americans aren't huge it's just that Japan is full of Manlets. I remember watching a basketball anime, slam dunk, and everyone was like WOW THAT GUY IS SO TALL! They said his height in metric so I converted to feet... the guy they were talking about was 5'10. Come on... then they saw another guy who was even taller but he was only 6'1 which is taller but still. They flipped their shit at "HE'S THE 2 METER PLAYER WE HEARD ABOUT WOW! HOW DID HE GET SO BIG?!" that's 6'6. That's probably average NBA size. Imagine then seeing some of the 7 footers they have walking around in the nba lol

What kind of american eats FRENCH fries in the first place?

you never heard of southern hospitality? Stay away from the East Coast and you'll be fine.

they're just jealous lol

It’s not just japanese but everyone in the world that hates americans.

give me some examples I can't imagine anyone Japanese being that bad. Their version of being an asshole is not asking how someone is doing lol

they play rugby? They're big enough for that? We'd kick their ass i'm sure.