Which Shiki?

Which Shiki?

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Ryougi because that gets you access to Garan-no-Dou.

Can he kill servants?

Been a long while but the only things about turkeyhandle I really like are Ciel, Hisui, and Nrvnqsr
And scenes with this
It's really the boomer/rose tinted goggles VN

goddamn that's a nice well drawn ass

Restrict yourself from looking at Shiki's butt, thanks.

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The servant killer

Shiki has total control over her MEODP while Shiki can barely live and function with his. So...

Female shiki has eye hacks
what are male shikis powers?

being bad at eye hacks judging by

>male shikis powers
"male" shiki is just the "destructive" side but more fun to be around. And i say that in quotes because none of the shiki's actually killed any one for fun. In all cases the original 3rd shiki is prob the most powerful whit female being second

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Loli vampire one

Ryougi shiki

>what are male shikis powers?
His gf is a real cutie

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There are no fate routes to adapt after HF right? Im guessing male shiki will get his anime soon

>remake never
why even live user

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I read it all the way through over the last couple years and I liked it a lot better than anything I've read from the 2010s, and definitely more than F/SN. The dialogue is somewhat awkward but the concepts talked about are so much more interesting.

>why even live user
Covid is here to fix the issue.

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To this day I do not understand why you people want a remake. What the fuck is wrong with you?

This post is an eyesore

>Covid is here to fix the issue.
i maybe a boomer but im not that old user

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Covid killing only elders is a huge meme, lots of ~30 years old get severe cases.

>What the fuck is wrong with you?
why not user it deserves better animation...

Like other user pointed out, his eyes are just the destructive side of the MEDOP, but he actually excels on this aspect of the eyes and can even see the points of death whereas Ryougi cannot. Where Ryougi needs multiple stabs in the case of someone like Araya, Tohno easily would wipe him from existence in the blink of an eye. And on that note, being the son of the strongest demon-killer in existence and trained by him in childhood, Tohno, at least physically is far and away superior to Ryougi. His flash-step and flash-sheathe basically let him move and attack at speeds even non-humans can't react against. He kills 60 of Nrvnqsr's beast in mere seconds while severely injured, and even kills lightning later on while jumping from one chunk of falling debris to another just to kill Roa. While he's more suited for killing physical things, he can actually force his brain to see and understand the death of things outside that category. His drawback however is that his powers run the risk of turning him into a vegetable if he goes too far, but you can at least count of him to finish the job before that happens.

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Based realist user; the Remake was always gonna suck. Nasu has lost his touch.

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trained tohno>nanaya>tohno>ryougi

Manga was amazing, I really liked it.


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Female Shiki is 10x better.

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