Kanojo Okarishimasu

Curious for people's thoughts on this series. Have been binging it that last couple of days. There are moments where the tropes are overplayed, and the MC can still be a little bitch despite (some) character development. Overall, I've been enjoying the series and find it entertaining enough to continue reading.

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>(some) character development
don't worry about it, he'll get a soft reset and go back to being a lil bitch soon enough

agree but this , rn it just feels like we're waiting for it to end

I just got to the arc where they're starting the funding for the movie. So I'm about ~30 chapters behind. Is the general consensus that it's ending soon?

This got me into reading the author's previous work, and man was that dumb. I like this enough, and as slow as it is, I only want that they actually get into a relationship halfway through the story. Not the end. The MC, as frustrated we are all with him, has lots of room to grow.

Yeah, the MC is annoying and his thought process is retarded especially at the beginning, but honestly I found him relatable, at least relatable to when I was a idiotic teenager. If the author could be more consistent with MC's maturation that would make it much more enjoyable.

10/10 girls
0/10 MC

Probably the worst currently serialized rom com.


>a rental girlfriend
>a probationary girlfriend
>an ex-girlfriend
>a girl friend
It's fun for what its worth.

Dropped at chap 100 and I even regret doing it so late.
Premises were nice and art was top-tier, but there is a limit to character idiocy, even in manga.
Also it uses some writing tecniques to keep the reader interested, but to the point that it hinders the story itself, which I also did not like

Open yours user its shit

Why don't you tasteless faggots read Cuck's Fiance instead of this shit

It's between this one and the cuck fiance. Irredeemable pieces of garbage.

Chizuru is an angel.

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She is pure. Just look at that wonderful smile.

It's kind of what you expect from a guy with average/slightly below average looks who is shooting for the girl that everyone wants. I'm definitely more lenient with him.

I'm sorry Kazuya reminds you so much of yourself.

chizuru fucking sucks shes a bitch

Don't we have a chapter this week?

No, golden week means a break.

Oh all right. Damn I didn't know that and it seems that former chapter dropped early that I missed the thread.

water is wet

i'm amazed how many series are still going even with covid


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>Is the general consensus that it's ending soon?

chizuru > sumi > mini > ruka >>> mami

>Also it uses some writing tecniques to keep the reader interested, but to the point that it hinders the story itself

Except he’s an entitled little shit