Anime girls should be

Anime girls should be

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Anime girls deserve to be tricked into gaining weight and then dumped.

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Hhnnggg k-keep posting

>You made me eat!
Did the guy point a gun at her head and force her to eat or something?

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isn't this some TSF hentai?
does that make her an anime boy?


TSF kodama-chan, yes.
It's super harbage.

>It's super harbage.

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I'll miss Mizore, hope the author goes full Elf-san if he returns

>and then dumped.
You monster.


>he doesn't want to wake up one day as a fat and horny anime girl

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Most Anons are either NEETs or they have conventional tastes in women, and therefore they will never appreciate the beautiful glory of a big, fat, plump belly. You're missing out if you've never felt and experienced a fat girl's belly. It's truly heavenly.

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Agreed, him leaning into it would be amazing.

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Fat acceptance as a movement only started gaining traction because we live more and more in an obese world where women are becoming fatter and fatter every generation. It's a disgusting and repulsive fetish. Apply yourselves.

I don't care about any movements, I just wanna grab cute girl belly.

>implying anyone wants someone who embraces being fat instead of them being shy and nervous about it

>Fat acceptance as a movement only started gaining traction because we live more and more in an obese world where women are becoming fatter and fatter every generation
Yes, and?

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user this fetish has literally been around for centuries all over the world. The fact that there are more fat girls than ever doesn't make that go away. There are definitely SOME people who don't have this fetish who are just coping because a fat girl is the best they can do. But there are some of us who genuinely find fat girls extremely erotic.

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too big

Not big enough.

not even remotely big enough

>t. the Architect

Gonna need a source cap.