What do straightfags have to say about this?

What do straightfags have to say about this?

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Yaoifags should be gassed. Even based yuri can't cleanse that filth.

I think boys should date girls, and girls should date girls.

This implies everyone is a selfinsert nigger

I don't want to be a lesbian woman, I just want to see cute girls kissing each other.

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*cute futagirls kissing and dicking each other.

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Holy cringeroni

Why do gays hate straight people for no reason? This is like the 12th bait thread this week

They actually don't. It's just the same bored shitposters posting shitty bait for the sake of getting some discussion going on, because the world is still not ending, and everything is fine, albeit boring and safe.

Who gives a shit about hetmonkeys?homofriends will inherit the Earth.

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I would have to say this

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And then die of aids

Fake image, here's the real one from the manga.

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Fucking self-inserts holy shit.

Personally, I don't give a shit which one's fake or real, as long as guys love girls and guys, and girls love guys and girls.

Lesbians should be cured.

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Bisluts are even worse than straightfags


Based, fpbp

Men should love reverse traps.

How can they be worse, when they have twice the experience?


I'm going to say it again. By this standard all anime is cuckoldry because you are never directly participating in the romance.

Oh wow, ask me how i know an American made this.

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Which manga did this came from?

How the fuck did ">202426379" got into my post

>being tainted is good

What taint? It's a great thing to do. Especially when you're a pretty anime character, surrounded by other beautiful anime characters.

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Girls should kiss girls for mana, and for the enjoyment of men. And whatever women that also enjoys seeing girls kiss girls.

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Yes but the girl must always serve the man.

yuribros we got too cocky


>Not wanting a MFF relationship with you’re waifu and her imouto.

I think I deserve a girl and girl (male) harem.
There is no alternative.

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Yuri anime and manga will always exist. It's up to hetfags to cope.

False. Girls belong to men.


The words of someone who cannot appreciate FFMM.

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No, they belong to me.
All your girls belong to me.
U mad?

Hello, based department?

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Breakfast of champions.

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Why is he using an 80s cellphone?

yuri nigger

this. OP just took a raw and dropped his pinky subs over the top of it.
this was in the show.

Because he's not a beta male that lets tech companies profit off of his data/information

We are the beastly focal point of the threesome. The ugly necessity because it makes girls wet.