What happened to elves?

What happened to elves?

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Japan added handlebars

You started shitposting them to death

HEA's delicious sweat

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Became cuter.

look at these fat ears

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I want to monch on them.

What happened to anime? What happened to Japan?

They couldn't defeat the cock

Even if they can't defeat it, it has to try first.

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Unlike elves, good animators get old and die without properly training the new generation.

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>good animation means stills of pretty pictures where the characters are talking
So nothing changed, except artstyle, where girls nowadays have the tendency to be more babyfaced.

not enough rape


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I wanted to say they improved but Erufu is a special case.

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Art style changed.

Replaced by superior space pirates who don't fuck orcs.

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>superior space pirates
Those are long dead as well. The only thing that is left now is isekai bandits and slaves

Last chapter will use elf ears in its recipe.

They became rapists

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Moe-fied as with anything in modern anime.

What are the handlebars for?

They were taken by the Dark Powers, tortured, and mutulated. A ruined and terrible form of life.

they got thicker

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What the fuck is her problem?

Nah I'm going to meme space pirates back into anime.

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To handle them.

Apparently, she can only ovulate if she has life-threatening sex. So, in order to spawn kids with the human hero she likes, first she has to fuck horrible monsters and brutal animals that try to rip off her heads during copulation, so that her egg can finally move.
And while she's doing that stuff, she also fucks for fun, because being a nearly immortal supersexy sorceress with mastery over magic allows you to do all kinds of kinky shit.

The one on the left is the one on the right in 200 years.

They went from fuckable to highly fuckable.

Anime will never have as much soul as left.

Honestly, I would do same things if I was her.

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