Why is a Middle Eastern Demi God white? This doesn’t make sense

Why is a Middle Eastern Demi God white? This doesn’t make sense.

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All Babylonian gods were blonde and blue eyed

>red eyed
Oh no Gilbros, we got too cocky!

Gilgamesh isn't a god

that's what great about anime

It's fiction, it doesn't have to make sense

why is heimdall a nigger in the avengers?

It's genuinely because the heroic spirits aspect of the franchise has always been kind of an afterthought, at least in relation to their designs. Nasu has always wanted to use cool historical names and legends but ultimately Takeuchi just wants to draw generic anime people.

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you know when you put it like that it really is a shame. A better designer could have probably come up with something way cooler with all those ancient artifacts and art pieces as a base. But he seriously is just a basic pretty blonde boy.

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Why is Arthur a woman? Fate has always been retarded with the legends.

2/3 of the way.

what does this post even mean?


Because the middle east has been a clusterfuck of different tribes and ethnicities for millenia
"White" features may be uncommon but not unheard

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I'm fine with this one because it's actually a plot point and widely used for characterization, maybe excessively so, but Gilgamesh gets nothing of the sort. He's just "I'm golden lol"

He has more divinity than some actual gods in fate, user

Since his eyes are red I guess he is suppose to be albino-ish.

Iranians were white, also that's where the Aryan comes from

Because niggers have never accomplished anything throughout recorded history.

Basically this. Takeuchi designs characters the "normal" way which is to draw based on whatever character archetype the fill. Gil is pompous and high class so he is a blonde haired pretty boy because that's what pompous high class anime characters look like.

Archetype comes first. The fact that these characters are supposed to be people from various parts of the world and points in time is as far as Takeuchi is confirmed; completely useless information.

I was in Kunduz province in 06 and was surprised as fuck at how many blond haired blue eyed cuties there were.

it's fucking FATE, dood, what's more surprising is that they didn't make him a woman

Who cares? They cute.

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Becase he is only 1/3 middle eastern.

What are some artists you'd like to see work with a concept like Fate? Kaneko is the one that always comes to mind for me

Because Nippons.

This. F/SN was first and foremost a story about heroism and how it compares to heroes from myth and past. The battle royale aspect was secondary or even tertiary.

Does he? That’s stupid then.

Not really, both Gil ad Alexander were fuckboys.
If anything, Alexander's design would fit Enkidu better

Because Japan doesn’t care about the source material

FGO might be gachashit, but the one thing I'm grateful for is that it lets us see different artists' takes on Heroic Spirits.

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