Slut character but 12 years old

>slut character but 12 years old
Was the author high when he wrote this character?

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Looks like I know now what I'll be masturbating to today.

she's sort of like aru
but aru is not a slut

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Yes, just like how Saten is not a slut.

saten is definitely not a slut

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There need to be even younger sluts.

Girls are usually biologically sluts by age 12, they are nearing the end of puberty and are prime for breeding.
This is why they should be groomed by their husband while they are younger and don’t end up sluts by age 12.

Literally built for sex.

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12 year olds don't behave like this.

14 is divisible by 2 and 7 dumb chuuni

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Did she actually have sex with him in the manga or no?

In any number system where the base, let's call it X, + base10(4) is prime and X > 4, then 14 is prime. E.g. base7(14) = base10(7 + 4) = 11 = prime.

13 is prime, it just makes too much sense.

>OP never had sex when he was 12

So you were never turned on by a girl until the ripe age of 18?

I want to FUCK Megumi with my PENIS in her VAGINA

She pretends to be more mature than she is. That's EXACTLY what 12 year old act like.

What would it be like if you did it with Megumi?

This. She's not actually a slut she's just larping. Sagri on the otherhand is lewd as fuck.

what do mean by this? Stop being so cryptic.

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Bro anime is just fucking weird like for example Aho girl my girlfriend is student council president my girlfriend is a shobitch mmo junkie welcome to the NHK bokuben

is that all?

She's so beautiful I wish she was my waifu I want dakimakura of her

It's because treat anime like if it was based on a true story or if it was inspired by true events
I remember people trying to do the math on how realistic eromanga sensei is

Megumeme is so pretentious that she lost at the end.

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No, he just knew how to send you creeps into a frenzy.

Megumi should have given masamune a foot job and dry humping no penetration

Tomoe takasago should have mutually Masturbated with main character masamune

Anyone know an eromanga or doujin about a slutty loli fucking all the boys in her class?

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not off the top of my head

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