Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens

Now we wait for subs tomorrow.

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>a Yu-Gi-Oh! spinoff that is about normal summons
Konomi is as high as a kite with that idea.

What is she looking at

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Should have used this pic

/ourguy/ Rook once again delivers the best episode yet.

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Who is this?

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And now only one children's card game commercial remains.

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>implying there is anything wrong about letting hentai artists animate yugioh episodes

Fuck, I forgot. Next time then.

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I guess Yoshida, one of the ex-writer for yugioh.

Every single Romin expression in this show is priceless.

I miss VRAINS. A show that actually made you think and adhered to the most potent themes of the YGO franchise.

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what is this, some chikan shit

How do we go from this

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Hahahaha imagine how fun would it be if someone touched her butt here hahahahahaha

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To this? litle girls really make everything better

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>This is what the darinsfag tells himself to cope over the fact that he watches a kids commercial

Fun world to live.

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Reminder 9/10 would shit on this show if it didn't have YGO in the title.

The only thing that VRAINS tested was my patience with how uninspired the plot was despite it being about a concept as interesting as artificial intelligence Vs Humans.

RAW WHERE?!!! I love this little Gx show.

Cool personality + Fun deck, I already want him to return, he better be in whatever tourney they create later.

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>Reminder 9/10 would shit on this show if it didn't have YGO in the title.
Everyone shits on VRAINS and ARC-V and it is still a YGO show. Your logic is flawed

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I hope Sevens also delivers on the usual YGO seriousness eventually.

This show is pretty good but I still want my vrains season 4.

Not really shit on it because I would give no fucks to its existence at all.

9/10 still think VRAINS/ARC-V are better than your average anime. You see YGO anime are a step above all other anime. And in between all YGO anime there are other tiers. So the worst YGO anime is still better than the average uninspired generic anime.

The fuck is that autistic reasoning

Keep telling yourself that

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Go tell that to the nips too, sure they will change their minds.
Get over it, Sevens is good.

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RAW is up on Nyaa for all the late anons.

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VRAINS was the most critically acclaimed YGO to date. Keep seething.

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Nips will eat up anything. I'm talking about the average user in this thread who only watches YGO and nothing else.

Dethrone the tyrant.

user I love Vrains but please stop baiting Sevensfags.

I was gonna watch mewkledreamy along with sevens, guess I'll have to do something else now.

whatever help you sleep at night

More like YGO has a lot of dedicated fans

>I'm talking about the average user in this thread who only watches YGO and nothing else.
Your the only autist who does that. YGO is fun and all but it doesn't give the level of storytelling i crave

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>these levels of damage control
Pfffft. Fuck off, hater.

So you're above the average. Good on you.

Torrenting right now. I am really excited right now.

Digimon Appmon also made it there and that show was atrocious. Long-running Anime with popularity like Jojo, Digimon and YGO being there is not surprising. Especially Digimon and YGO which fandoms are mostly spics

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>Third place Banana Fish
God fucking dammit, just curious what series is in the first place?

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Whatever helps you sleep, kid. Now back to the dragon ball general.

>b-but digimon

The reporter was cute, but sevens is just okay.

Demon Slayer

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the reporter girl that is.

I like Romin and I like that she isn't some stoic kuudere, but in some weird way I don't like how "moe" they're making her, it's cute but she's starting to feel like more like Kotori and less like the mature and cool girl her VA was talking about