Open hokage's room door

>open hokage's room door
>see this
What do??

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turn 360 and walk away
I ain't fucking with that 9 tails nigga!

Apologize to Hinata and Raikage-sama for intruding

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I'd probably wonder why Himawari is smirking just behind her

We are not seeing the full picture here...

How does Zig Forums do it?

>mutts law



I’m gonna accelerate, Sarada-chan.


Tell Boruto to go home

>lingerie thong

>"Oh shit, I'm sorry."

black person



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Isn't that supposed to be a kid?


yes and?

what else?

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naruto should groom her into the next hokage :)

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ass too fat!, sarada is supposed to be slim but well built, not fat

Naruto should groom her to be his sex slave

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better, thanks

>those panties
Hinata has top tier taste in underwear

These are better.

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uhh i'm calling the cops on kishi

Better than this?

Attached: 2d2212d25d9c6d476d2e4f999e7d8f--naruto-girls-anime-girls.jpg (634x900, 66.8K)

Jees may i say hinata is the ultimate autist mommy?

Thongs look like trashy

She was better when loli

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