Has Sasuke surpassed Vegeta as the most famous anime rival in history?

Has Sasuke surpassed Vegeta as the most famous anime rival in history?

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fuck off narutard

Wasn't Sasuke the mc and Naruto the rival?

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wtf am i looking at here

You are my friend

rinne naruto god lord

Char Aznable.

That's not Gary Mother Fucking Oak
>b-b-but he's from a video game

Ash =/= Red
Gary =/= Blue

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Speaking of vidya rivals, Turks are kino

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He was a deuteragonist/rival rather than just a straight rival.

This sounds great desu


As much as I like the Sauce, Vegeta is leagues better.


The question wasn’t “who’s better”, it’s who’s more famous and well known

As most famous? Debatable. Vegeta is still more iconic and literally every Shonen rival is modeled after him

saw an alternate ending where sasuke became hokage and used dead naruto and the dead 5 kage as his 6 paths of pain to rule the world. pretty brutal

Vegeta is a jobber


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A jobber for plot reasons but he has the best character development in anime.

The same can be said for Sasuke, Vegeta just has longevity over him

longevity is kind of important...like really important

what's your point?


10 years from now this will be the truth. But as for Sasuke, Boruto ruined his legacy

But no one outside of Pokefags knows what a Gary Oak is

Unironically this.
If you really analyse it. "Naruto" is a story about the protagonist Sasuke as seen through the eyes of Naruto.

>approaches you

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No. Naruto isn't even in the same ballpark of popularity of DB except for burgerland.



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