Is any of the fsn series bullshit? I saw a few threads yesterday, and so far really like the visual novels

Is any of the fsn series bullshit? I saw a few threads yesterday, and so far really like the visual novels.
So, if I like the vn's and obviously the eroge, what won't I like?
What did typemoon do to piss people off, when so far what I'm reading seems pretty good?

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fsn is shit

Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night are commonly known as the only good entries in the series. Everything after quickly devolves into shameless fanservice for money.
Fate/Extra is the point where things started to drastically reduce in quality.
Fate/Grand Order is the point of no return.

The original visual novel, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia and Fate/Zero are great. It’s later spinoffs like Extra, Apocrypha and Grand Order that ruined the franchise.

Hollow ataraxia is good as well, but it's more slice-of-lifey than F/SN.

Carnival Phantasm is the only good type moon thing

How could you like carnival phantasm if you don't like anything that it's based on?

it surpasses tolkien

1. Give up on Fate, it's all garbage with the exception of Prisma Illya.
2. Lurk more newfag.
3. Use Fate in the OP so that people who use filters can catch it more easily.

1. so far, you're wrong. I'm at HF, and just started the route, and while Tohsaka's route wasn't as deep as I had hoped I was still very pleased.
2. you're newer than me if you're using terms you don't understand, summerfaggot.
3. if only you filtered the entire site.


Disappointment in the fall in quality. Even stuff like Fate/Extra isn't strictly speaking bad, but as time went on Fate got more spin offs, of lesser quality, with different authors. This would be fine if Type Moon was still working on anything else, but the last non-Fate project Type Moon released was back in 2012. Everything else has been spinoffs that often are wacky, strange, or just aren't as ambitious as previous works done Nasu and Type Moon. The result of this is that most people that followed Type Moon works have all but ceased to do so, leaving the door open for contrarians on Zig Forums to shout from the hilltop "Fate was never good!"

If you actually liked the VN, then congratulations you have shit taste and will probably eat up all the other garbage Type Moon has produced. The series literally mischaracterizes all the mythological and historical figures it steals from. It's almost hilarious how they didnt even bother to read the wikipedia pages of those figures.

The only good thing Type Moon ever made was Tsukihime, and even that's pretty mediocre.

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Seriously why are the most popular vn in general the worst ones
I swear Fate and Steins are so fucking badly written i'm wondering if the writer ever read a fucking book

It's a shitty adaptation made by a notorious hack of a director. Read Take Moon that doesn't fuck over half its cast in favor of obnoxious unfunny Neco-Donutsteels and repeating the exact same jokes over and over.

You have a containment thread on /vg/, fatemonkey.

>What did typemoon do to piss people off
Too many markedly different entries led to fans of the same series being in total disagreement of what that series is supposed to be. Is it about masters and grail wars? Is it about servants and history? Is it about ethical dilemmas and suffering? Is it about fun and games? Is it about wildly inconsistent powerlevels? Is it about tits and ass? No entry in the series will give you every one of these things. A lot of the hate comes from fans who don't like an entry that didn't meet their expectations. Namely Grand Order which will now and forever be the definitive Fate experience thanks to a nation of loose wallets.

Tell me how Cuchulainn is mischaracterized.
Other than making him a little meek when it comes to Scathach when he should be loud and proud like he is regarding everything else.
And don't mention the Warp Spasm, he's not here as a Berserker.

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fate grand order is written by NASU you fucking retards
if you like fsn than u should like fgo

Parts of it are. And the parts that are written by Nasu are good. Well, after the prologue.
The problem with that is that Nasu does not write much of F/GO. The prologue, the end of Londinium with "Solomon", Camelot, Babylonia, Time Temple. The SE.RA.PH event. And... that's really all that comes to mind, other than assorted, forgettable events which he probably wrote for fun.
We're about to hit the good part of the Lostbelt arc; the two chapters Nasu has actually written are up next.

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Don't listen to these retards:
They don't know what they're talking about. FSN is considered the worst of all the Fate works and it only gets better from that point onwards. Now we're at the peak that is FGO, a literal masterpiece. You only need to see the amount of money its made to see exactly just how successful it is.

>FSN is considered the worst of all the Fate works
Who the fuck considers Stay Night worse than Apocrypha or Extra?

And Lostbelt 3 is written by Gen Urobuchi

/alter/ falseflag or /fgog/ falseflag?

This is the prime example of blind fanaticism. Nasu has went full retard since Extra. You have to be an idiot to defend his later works.

Or Grand Order, or Prisma Illya or basically anything other than a small percentage of spin offs.

I feel like you diehard VN faggots are the lowest living things in this universe. You guys surpass fat neckbeards with bodypillows masturbating to children on how weird you can be.

Not him but I for one preferred Extra to FSN.

Rin is entirely heterosexual.


Because after Hollow Ataraxia Nasu went from building his stories around interesting characters to writing them around cool fight scenes and 100% waifubait characters sucking self-insert dick, making sure to milk the HGW concept as hard as possible

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>The series literally mischaracterizes all the mythological and historical figures it steals from.
wasn't the point to make characters using the historical figures as models and from that general base make a unique story instead of just outright theft and patchwork?
Would you really wan't just a "Heracles that speaks greek" vs "another greek hero but this time it's in Japan and 100% faithful to the characters who ignore their setting?"
I doubt your imagination and it's depth.

>And the parts that are written by Nasu are good
No they aren't
>The prologue, the end of Londinium with "Solomon", Camelot, Babylonia, Time Temple. The SE.RA.PH event
These aren't good I thought you people would at least stop pushing the Babylonia is good meme after everyone saw how stupid it was when the anime came out.

>100% waifubait characters sucking self-insert dick,
Fate has always been like this. Don't kid yourself.

You weren't supposed to point that out.

There is a serious diference between the main heroines of a visual novel being romance options for the MC and characters like Nero or basically any FGO character who has no depth beyond wanting to fuck the self-insert MC for no real reason right out the bat
Also you need serious autism to be able to self-insert as Shirou and severe brain damage to think Angra is a self-insert MC

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The anime was butchered as fuck. Might as well claim DEEN Stay Night or Tsukihime anime are good presentations of the VNs