So can we agree Chimera Ant is the best arc Shounen has to offer?

So can we agree Chimera Ant is the best arc Shounen has to offer?

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Can CA be considered shounen? Personally I find HxH to be seinen because a lot of characters acts and thinks like a smart adult. Let alone some themes that were shown. I'm not talking about the gore -apparently there is tendency to identify something as seinen because it has a lot of blood and violence (Berserk for example)-. But the true maturity or seinen-esque doesn't lie in blood, it lies in psychological themes. For example, who was initially demonstrated as a hero, but he received so much smart deconstruction (his ambiguous growth during palace assault) that he started to be perceived like a real person in fantasy world. The detalisation, the completness of a character's psychology is what I call seinen.

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It was published in jump

Nah, Yorknew was better

It doesn't matter if you find HxH to be a seinen, it was published on shounen jump, so it's a shounen. Also, it's not like if HxH moral ambiguity when it comes to the hero of the story is particularly new, other shounen have done it in the past.

more like a picture for ants am I right lol

Coalition Army is better

It could have been the best, but then the whole invasion happens and the narrator makes it unwatchable.

No. Why? Because HxH is seinen. This is not debatable. Why is it not debatable, you ask? Oh wait, no, you didn't ask that, because you, a scrawny looking shounenshitter, cowered in my mere presence.

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That's how you know OP isn't a hunterfag and he just used the first pic he found for his bait.


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>a lot of characters acts and thinks like a smart adult
You're retarded, chimera ant is barely more complex than a typical shounen arc.
Its themes are shallow and have been done many times before not to mention the narrator spoonfeeding you everything. Most other shounen have enough dignity not to do that.

it's the worse arc

While you pic is for ants, the ants on HxH were more or less human sized user.

Really? Look at Morel, for example. Unlike many series, where experience is portrayed as power, with Morel, experience is EXPERIENCE. He knows his own strengths, he knows the danger of haste, he knows staying calm is key to victory. His “battle intelligence” is portrayed as an ability to seize on useful information without overplaying his hand – he’s a chessmaster that actually makes you feel smarter for watching him.

More broadly though, Chimera Ant handles about a dozen narratives at once, all of them are equally engaging for different reasons, and most of them all reflect back on this arc’s central questions of humanity and selfhood. It’s a remarkable accomplishment.

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Nice copy pasta retard, but do agree morel is one of the few good characters in hunterxhunter.

>just skip Gray morality, parallels, simbology, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, deconstruction, monster and human reversal, huge character development, guerrilla warfare, propaganda, politics and an anti-climatic endings because it has too much talking for my small brain

I see, you like shonenshit , so i won't blame you for such ignorance. Just leave this thread and go read your children comic books and play fortnite.

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Why don't you address the content of said "pastas"? I'll tell you why. Because they are constructed in such an informed and intellectual manner that it is absolutely impossible to refute them - unless perhaps you are highly educated and learned on the same level of the scholars who wrote those pieces, who are all Hunterchads.

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Hunter x Hunter is an exercise in pederastic sublimation. The author, Togashi, has used the manga as a means with which both to enliven and to purify his basest, most indwelling desires and longings of the heart. Consider the myriad archetypical sexual elements within HxH, and their essentially homosexual - and, under further examination, pederastic - character.

Starting from the broadest parts of the series and working downward: consider the almost total lack of major female characters. There are in fact more cross dressing and androgynous males in important character roles, particularly juvenile males, than there are biological women. And think of the most prominent female character, Bisky - a mature broad-shouldered, extensively muscular woman who disguises her true form under the guise of being a slim, bright-eyed young girl. She is not the only muscular woman with a changing physical form either, Killua's elderly butler caregiver, Tsubone, can literally transform herself into a motorcycle or other sorts of transport vehicles. (And, with the last major female character we turn our attention to, transformation is similarly present, but is also, at least for some time, explicitly mental as well as physical)

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>humans are the real monsters
Oh so deep

But enough about this. Let us now turn our attention to the masculine forms and relations in the series, to more intimately probe the psyche which formed them.
Most obviously, the series most infamously sexually deviant and ostensibly homosexual character is that of Hisoka. Hisoka is one of the strongest forces in the series, narratively and in terms of the genuine power he exerts over others within the show. If Hunter x Hunter is, as I have set out to show, really a subconscious exploration of the pederastic, then Hisoka represents its basest, most predatory, most bloodthirsty urges. Hisoka views other humans primarily as toys, tools with which to sexually excite himself. He has certain fondnesses and respects for some, but ultimately always wishes to "expend" them in the highest sensation of ecstasy through combat as possible. Special attention is paid to age and maturity, as when we first encounter him in his villainous role, he practically drools over our young main character, Gon, as he explains that he will wait patiently for him to "ripen".

The series takes a kind of sinful, voyeuristic pleasure in Hisoka's villainous exploits, who is often a source of humour - though not for playing the fool. Hisoka continually outsmarts and outplays almost all of the characters in the series, which we as the audience take a guilty, vicious delight in. His unashamed sexual deviance is a particular source of laughs, such as his visible erection when explaining to Gon his sexual motivation for his actions, or when, while walking behind Gon and Killua, finds himself staring at their bare legs, supernaturally eye-raping them, a violated Killua then yelling at him to "walk in front!"


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>the most reddit and overused line in the history of science
Sasuga togashi what a genius

They're written by pseuds who know nothing about the terms they're using.

>using picture for ants
>ant is the best arc in all shounen
OP is an ant confirmed.

Average hunterchad post: 150+ IQ
Average shounenshitter post: ~86 IQ

>all of them are equally engaging

Hisoka is an agent of chaos done to perfection. Functionally in a plot full of plans and counter plans he brings the chaotic wrench that can turn the tide in anyone's favour to get what he wants which could be completely irrelevant to the other big stakes at play.

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Togashi's favorite genre is shounenshit,that's where all his ideas come from Nothing you said is deep or handled in a subtle or nuanced way.
>Muh humans are the real monsters
>Muh loss of innocence
>Muh subversion
Proper adults can enjoy shounen alongside stuff for older demographics without being insecure and pretending their favorite shounenshit is something it's not.

>not average shounenhitters

The reason for this is pretty simple. HxH is a series that wants its readers to use critical thinking, where characters analyze situations in depth but also more abstract concepts, where they are conflicted and think about ethical or logical implications of their actions or those of others. Shonenshit on the other hand (for example, One Piece), are centered around a cast of one-dimensional characters defined by simple gimmicks, and in return you never get any thought-provoking dialogue. They're all very manichaean, the bad guys are often evil oppressors for the hero to defeat, and they never tackle serious themes in a convincing manner (usually opting just to circlejerk morally perfect MCs). They're all very repetitive, it constantly follows the same formula, much like shonenshitter posts.

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>Gray morality, parallels, simbology
Done better and more subtly in most other manga
>Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Overused by the japs, handled badly in chimera ant arc
Nigger tier word use
>monster and human reversal
Overused theme in shonen and in general
>huge character development
Actually pretty good in this arcbut not innovative in the least
>guerrilla warfare, propaganda, politics
Cool themes but nothing new, also extremely spoonfed during this arc
> go read your children comic books
Too bad your children's comic book is on hiatus

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world triggers invasion arc was better

I cringed so hard

if chimeraa ant is a shounen compared to chainsawman and kimetsu no yaiba, nothing that happened there was non shonen like

>his ambiguous growth during palace assault
Yes because it's written to be read by an audience of children. You're mixing up themes with writing style, either Togashi doesn't know how to be subtle or doesn't trust his readers enough to risk it because he spoonfeeds absolutely everything to the reader as if they're dumb children who wouldn't be able to understand what's going on otherwise. The series is actually really condescendingly written at times if anything.


>go into the topic to point out how HxH is seinen
>another Hunterchad has already done it by the second post
Truly the chaddest of fanbases.

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