Asuperu Kanojo

new chapter

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was gonna dump but they don't provide zips so it'll be a sec

So, is Japan special in that they give people autism passes, or is this something I don't know about because my 'tisim level is too low?

Maybe you have to pay for them, like on Zig Forums.

damn, they broke the DL script in a really interesting way.

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Woah dude, have some tact.
Autistic females are very predisposed to develop eating disorders.

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>from another autist
Why do you think this site is the way it is?
Tact and autism rarely go together.

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>Chinese scans are up to chapter 94
>doesn't seem like their relationship or the story advanced much

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>making new memories to obscure the flashback
what a sweet talker.

because they're not fucking like rabbits at every opportunity?
what series do you think you're reading?

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I mean, what do you expect from autists?

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I hope they don't breed though, the world doesn't need any more inferior austit genes.

>doesn't seem like the story advanced much
They beat up some girl, they're now in court, and she's bleeding from her crotch. Even without understanding the text, that's quite an eventful development in my book.

They use a different ordering, it's about half that in our terms.

new, hitherto unknown levels of suffering await us

Wtf? Was she one of the school bullies?

I love this scene, just when you forget Yokoi's on the spectrum himself.
>wait a minute, you've gone fat! I can tell!

This manga is making me realize how low my empathy would be for special and/or depressed people. Having to constantly feel like you're walking on egg shells because the simplest action or word can "trigger" them must be exhausting.

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i was really expecting that to blow up

>Why do you think this site is the way it is?

They should fuck the neighbor in a threesome and get paid for it.

>chapter 94
The raw uses different numbers for the chapters, the chinese follows the same. The raw is only just about 30 chapters ahead of where we are now.