Give me one good reason Konohana Kitan is not the most underrated SoL of the last decade

Give me one good reason Konohana Kitan is not the most underrated SoL of the last decade.

You can't.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Konohana Kitan - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.00_[2017.10.19_00.16.54].jpg (1280x720, 351.04K)

I honestly have never seen this discussed on here before. It's pretty good from what I've watched, I should really finish it.

It's one of my recent favorites. I just wish it had enough budget to not have to go into slideshow mode for some scenes.

Attached: rhombus flap.webm (654x572, 42.52K)

I find it charming. But yeah would be better if they did animate the scenes fully.

because Urara is underrated and better

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Fox Clarins are cute.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Konohana Kitan - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.40_[2017.10.16_00.00.04].jpg (1280x720, 338.26K)

I liked it when saberfox wanted to fuck her clone.

Attached: now neither of us will be virgins.jpg (640x1800, 176.05K)

Fucking Takeuchi.

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Because it's not that good

based and tummy-pilled

Attached: apologize.jpg (329x465, 70.58K)

Fox Seibah best Seibah

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Belly service is nice, but the other 90% of the anime has to be bearable in order for it to be worth anything.

Not enough FEET

Attached: FEET.png (1228x868, 1.34M)

Worst girl forces MC to unknowingly impregnate her in their sleep then bitches at her for it.

It's not Flying Witch

Yuzu is the MC, not Natsume. It is fun to hate Ren though.

Attached: smug smoking fox.jpg (778x677, 60.26K)

Urara was better.

That one episode made me break down crying. Got me real good.

>Belly service is nice, but the other 90% of the anime has to be bearable in order for it to be worth anything.
My Japanese is mediocre and Urara is a seinen manga filled with difficult kanji related to divination with no furigana. The manga was still so good I endured looking up kanji by radicals in the dictionary in every single page and ever since I finished it it's one of my all time favorite manga. Urara is genuinely funny, has a great plot, great world building and the characters get lots of development.

>t-the kanji puns make it good
>the garbage, do-nothing plot and shitty characters would go away if you only knew THE KANJI

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How did she do it?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Konohana Kitan - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.52_[2017.12.15_01.14.12].jpg (1280x720, 375.36K)

>I honestly have never seen this discussed on here before.

lurk moar

I like how around 3 or 4 episodes are subtly related to that one episode you're referring to

Like this

Attached: Makeup.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

How do you feel about Yuzu and Satsuki eloping?

Attached: eloping.png (921x1044, 1.45M)

Will do.

They need to elope harder.

Maybe I'll rewatch this after I finish my Aria rewatch. But then I've also been meaning to rewatch Hidamari and Tamayura too.

the rhombus

Urara is pretty unknown

Attached: [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 08 [65E5361D].mkv_snapshot_17.51_[2017.02.24_16.02.04].jpg (1280x720, 165.16K)
