Why do people like her?

Why do people like her?
She's condescending and she is incredibly shallow.

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you only think that because she is smarter than you

She's smarter than you, unless you have a 165+ IQ, which you don't, spic.

I really don’t know but Ononoki is the best

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Tell me about Ononoki. Why does she wear the hat?

I don't know, but I'm not an Americn shart so I might as well be smarter than you at least

every gatari girl is boring as hell, just like the series itself

Same reason they like Asuka. Muh dik.

What part of her is condescending? Do you think everyone who tries to joke with you is making fun of you all the time?

Yeah they would be more interesting with heterochromia and pink hair and bubbly personalities 100% of the time and every single conversation should revolve around love or perversion and nobody should have any individual interests.

Exactly. Shows like HxH or attack on titan is where its at bro

She isn't even that attractive. Some people are just mindless coomers who masturbate to anything as long as it has big tits.

Hitagi on the other hand...

No one cared who she was until she put on the hat.

"Joking" and "banter" are just subtle forms of humiliation. Deep down you know that they don't respect you, and will continue to do so until you put your foot down. Or maybe you don't, and you're actually that pathetic.

Kanbaru is better than Cat and best girl.

I used to think like you when I was 14, then I gained social skills (against my will) when I got a job.

I’d rather hang around Senjougahara than this cunt.

Senjoughara has better taste in anime. I'm surprised she's not well liked more on Zig Forums

Monkey a shit.

Snail a best.

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it is cool to hate the best girl among kids

I don't.

Holy christ on a stick, please expose yourself to the hedgehog's dilemma of the world and learn the difference between razzing and bullying.

I'm from new england, we greet everyone with a "fuck you, you worthless shit, i was banging your mom last night and she kept bitching about about how still don't have a real job, ya fahk" and then bro fist you. Stop being soft.

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Someone has to not self-sabotage in completely retarded ways at every turn to actually qualify as smart.

I've never watched either because I'm not 14 years old
>Yeah they would be more interesting with heterochromia
Do you deny it?
>pink hair and bubbly personalities 100% of the time and every single conversation should revolve around love or perversion and nobody should have any individual interests
gatari is a series made for lonely otaku (and weeb wannabe otakus) to lust after children

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Those arguments never involve Kanbaru since it's obvious that she's the best
People are clearly arguing about the runner-up

She's only a standout if you stop watching after Bake so everyone who talks about her is either some dumbfuck who has nothing to contribute to the thread or an annoying nostalgiafag so she gets shit on just to spite those annoying retards.

>to lust after children
He says while posting rozen maiden.

People lust after dolljoints (protip: which aren't children) incidentally. It isn't the point of the show.

>(protip: which aren't children)
Whatever pedo.


tiddies and neko

If you have to remind us that they're not children, then i'm going to assume you're a pedo in denial.

>Hanekawa had no romantic feelings for Ararararagi after leading him on
I don't like her. She's mean.

t. loser who gets NTR'd in doujins

Speak English, spic.

I'm not a dolljoints fag, but
>they're like 100 years old or something (it's been awhile since I watched it)
>they're not humans
>they're not lewded nearly as much as the actual children in gatari

The point I'm making is I'm stooping to your level and reflecting your arguments back at you to make you understand how ignorant you sounded.

She did, the thing is that she knew she lost. Hanekawa pretty much wanted Arararararagi to solve all of her problems and all of her problems were self-inflicted because she was too passive and was afraid of making choices.

>gatari is a series made for lonely otaku (and weeb wannabe otakus) to lust after children
And that's one reason it's so good

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haha big boob go boing

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my favorite thing about hanekawa is how thirsty she is. while senjougahara is blunt and won because of it and kanbaru is overt but joking, hanekawa keeps it subtle but you can tell that she wants dick like a drowning man needs oxygen.

Get off reddit and go out side.