Dropkick on my angel

Are you ready for another jashin-chan's spin-off? This time starring our favorite hobo perkele.

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>i wish that was me

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Nice, the anime was too nice on this bitch! they even changed that time she was smashed in the head with a real hammer and bleed for being hit with a toy.
I want to see more angel abuse, make this bitch suffer, make her bleed!.

so I assume this will explain just how extreme Perkele was and will detail the loli lords exact intentions

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cross over when?

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The lord is trying to set them straight.

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The angels are already perfect tho. Except Pino. Pino is trash.

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>the lord chose to be a loli
she really is all knowing

pino is possibly too far gone
part of the reason why Pekola is being punished

Poporon got her lack of mercy and pino her extremism from pekora, she was probably always saying Zig Forums bullshit about the demons. That's why she's getting punished the most.

Is this girl really our lord and savior?

Is this cute girl our lord and savior? So it's safe to assume that satan is a cute punk girl too?

Yes and yes, though per-chan is the daughter of hades who's said to be the king of the underworld.

>they even changed that time she was smashed in the head with a real hammer and bleed for being hit with a toy
I actually loved this change, it's so typical of Pekora to get knocked out by a toy.

Pekora a cute CUTE!

Whatever happened to her whip?

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sold for food


I'm going to post this everyday until you like it.

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I like the ops/eds from both seasons.

Who is her VA?

she's a seiyuu from Chitose
thats all I know

I hate it.

He hates it!

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4/20 never end

Are you going to post the chapter or not?

oh shit really?!

Will perkele's suffering ever end?

Hanai Miharu


when she has absolved herself of her crimes


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