Âge Air Comiket C98: Muv-Luv Event

Starting in roughly 10 minutes, âge is broadcasting Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse and Schwarzesmarken, interspersed with staff discussion, over the next two days in lieu of a Comiket event.

Site: muvluv.com/c98/
Broadcast Info: muvluv.com/c98/live-broadcast/

âge is hosting a discord for discussion, but it's kind of insane. For one thing, they chose to go with a huge number of voice channels instead of text chat?

Attached: capture.png (1895x851, 2.36M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Are they going to stream every episodes?

Looks like it.

Yep. Kouki is sperging out about human life and family or something right now though.

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Why is Cookie such a fucking normalfag yet he hasn't married Kuribayashi yet?

I thought Comiket was cancelled

It is. This is why they're doing a livestream like this instead of the planned stage show at Comiket.


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We're now half an hour behind schedule and counting due to Kouki's ranting.

For every minute that Cookie delays the Muv Luv anime gets delayed a full month.

Sasuga Cookie.

Just finishes MLA recently.
>Kasumi confirms the alternate timelines were actually Takeru himself
>quickly dismisses him falling in love with Yuuko sensei
Takeru is such a faggot holy shit.

Hopefully we get a better MC in the sequel.

We have a sequel?

Fuck off, the Bratty Savior is the only MC Muv Luv needs.

Okay there are technical issues behind the delay too, not just sperging.

It's in development.

You and I know the anime is going to be shit.
Only a movie series could make it justice to Alternative.

It's the first time I'm hearing it. What it is all about?

Kasumi consolidating power and becoming Eternal Loli Empress of Earth.

Timeskip into the future after humanity retook Earth and bombard the Moon to hell.

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Seems too far fetched.

Are they going to Mars or just another politics-heavy VN?

If it has Yuuko-sensei in it, I'm already sold.

Yui, Inia, Irisdina and Cryska are my waifus. So are Stella, Matika and Beatrix.

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Who knows. Yuuko's definitely in, but she's mindbroken.

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>Seems too far fetched.
>he doesn't know

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Goddammit. If she's not berating me with her snarky remarks, what's the point?
I can't even see Kasumi filling that hole just yet.

Too bad for you, faggot.

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so was it pushed to c99 or what?

It's starting

Am getting an error, what's going on?

Oh motherfuckers, this better not be region locked.

YT stream is running. Just audio over a title card right now, though.