Remembering life before anime

Do you ever stop and think- How did i get here?

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It was because of /f/. There was a luckystar flash that would show the girls dancing and you could change the music what they were dancing to. I then watched Lucky Star and been hook on Naruto and stuff since.

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No. I do sometimes think of Zig Forums before it was used as a dumping ground for everything and anything semi-related to actual anime&manga discussion.

I don't because I know how and why I got here.

You better not fuck up again, JAST. I already made time for May 5.

It begins with: "How did I get here?"

It ends with: "I wish I never entered here."

Not really since it was the only good shows on as a kid in my country. I wish I never came here though.

peep that date

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>watched Lucky Star and been hook on Naruto and stuff since

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>before anime
No such thing I was watching anime since I can remember DBZ back in the 90’s fucking blew my mind.

I have no regrets coming here. All my friends are here.


Fairly sure in was in 1998 or something when I was 11, girl in my class was into pokemon and Ranma, her uncle was a 30 y/o neet who hated lending out his stuff but he let her watch ranma so I saw it at her house.

I've been watching anime since I was a little kid. Like 5 or so. I lived in Japan for a while (around the above age) and apparently would watch anime on TV there and then when I got back to the US I watched the anime on TV in the US in the late 90s and on. So I don't have any memories before anime. ~2003 is when I started getting into stuff outside of just what was on TV though, and when I started reading manga.

I don't know why I started posting on Zig Forums though. I started on Zig Forums with Zig Forums and then Zig Forums but only ever post here anymore.

be born in to a family where half of them are weebs

I got here by browsing Zig Forums ages ago and being influenced by the anime culture on the site. Also,
>reading cuckge

cant even remember, it was over once I learned what pokemon was

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Is this that one VN where one of the girls gets mad at (You) if you don't pick her route?

So what's the appeal with this VN? I really want to get into a new one and this might be a good opportunity.

Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down.
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground.

No because I started watching anime when I was 6 and alone at home while parents were working until the evening.

I've like anime as long as I've been able to remember.

I was on it since 4. There was never any other choice in my life.

and you may find yourself
behind the wheels of a large mecha robot
and you may find yourself in a japanese school
with a beautiful waifu

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Havent finished it yet. Apparently DDLC is based on it some way.

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DDLC is very mediocre literally baby's first meta vn

Bruh. I know you spoiler tagged it but fuck you.

Do you like your heroines having sex with other guys while you watch?

Sometimes I do but I always don't dwell too hard on it because I enjoy it. If anything I would tell my younger self to start watching anime and reading manga sooner than I did.

>Do you ever stop and think- How did i get here?
I sometimes have flashes of realization that I really fucked up my life.

My life has only improved since anime

I literally can't remember a time when I didn't like anime. Then again, I can barely remember how I was before I turned 5, but I clearly remember Rayearth, which I was watching back then.
I just like the medium and discussing with like minded people about it, since I never was able to get into sports, music or stuff kids and teenagers talked about. Anime has been a positive influence on me. Even you faggots are a plus compared to the rest of the shitshow that is my life.