
New episode in 15 hours

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Otaku girls hanging out together is completely normal. As in them having no real friends but each other, spending every moment they can chatting together about otome games, and even, as the 6 AM sunlight streams through the window after a sleepover turned all-night Fortune Lovers marathon and illuminates the sleeping face of your best friend snoring gently against your shoulder, realizing that despite your insistence that only 2D matters, no pretty-boy prince or kabedon-prone delinquent with a heart of gold could ever hope to compare to the kind, funny, beautiful girl next to you.
This is absolutely normal fujoshi behavior.
Nothing suspicious going on.

_______-chan, why did you have to go and leave me all alone...?

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The wait between episodes is actually killing me. Can someone just put me into a coma for a few months so I can watch it all in one go?

I never watched this before, which subs are the best?

>Maria mind controls people with light magic to save Bakarina
>Bakarina fights dark dragon head on with Pochi to save Maria

Who's the heroine again?

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>I held my smartphone tight to my chest. On its screen was the last message she had sent me. That girl... that silly girl. She’ll never come back, ever again.
>The days that I would live in from now on... would be days without her. I’ll live. I’ll live on... in this new world that she so kindly gifted me with.
>So... if life is like... the stories I read. Yes, like those stories I read... if one day, my life were to end, and if I were to be reincarnated...
>Then... please. I’d like to be with that girl... to be her friend. Just one more time.
>And live those peaceful days, together with her... Just one more time.

I didn't come here for this feel.

Why do you have to make me sad?

I'm neither a dyke nor a tranny, so I can't relate.

What are you looking forward to most?

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Bakarina in hoodie
I need this.

Where'd you get all these images lad?

From the last thread.

>That fucking smug-ass Keith in 04_04_8.jpg

So from what I'm seeing here:
>they definitely won't do vol. 3
>but they're adding some of the short stories from the later volumes that happen during this timeline

Also jesus fuck Bakarina looks so pretty.

Just checked the last thread. And it seems like a leak?

Seems like some anime original stuff with the military style uniforms as well, unless that's from a short story I'm not recalling.

I sort of expected it considering at the pace they were going, the finale would happen at like episode 10 or 11. I'll gladly welcome them adapting more content though. Also, it seems like the source was from twitter so I guess I'm scrounging that cesspool to see who posted that image.

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Not a yurifag, but I admit this is a yuri show

Is this shit yuri?

It's a bisexual disaster.

it's Polyamory

Hot fucking damn they really did finish the production on this show already.

Based SL.

My only fear is that Anne might get shafted.

Found it. It's all leaks from the official website twitter.com/tetrix_anime/status/1256110185782767616/photo/1

Not that I've consumed a lot of isekai, but the stories of those left behind doesn't seem to be done very often.

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This is the most adorable shit, but I feel like less of a man with every episode. It's like the schoolgirl in me is trying to get out.

>Maria mind controls people
Hey that's evil!

Think that Obi-wan Force trick with the Stormtrooper.

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I liked the addition of Keith and Alan to the Reminder-roster meme.
Is there one for Nicole and Geordo as well?

What's wrong? We haven't even started talking about poop yet.