What the fuck this is stupid

What the fuck this is stupid.
Scanlation groups have an obligation to keep scanlating a series they picked up until it's over, otherwise they shouldn't have scanlated it in the first place.

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What's worse is
>Scanlation group drops a manga because they personally don't like the direction that the manga is headed in.

>scan group stops translating a manga because it's licensed
>it's going to be a year before the first volume is even out
>official translation is worse
>you have to wait for the volumes to come out to read it instead of reading it weekly/monthly

>it's going to be a year before the first volume is even out
love is hard for otaku still fucking waiting

>gal gohan is over
>dosanko gyaru is on hold because the artist have corona
>now this is never going to get translated


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What if it turns to shit?

Good thing you guys have been learning japanese during the quarantine, you can just read the raws.

I'd rather learn any other language than useless ass japanese

Why live

>new translation by VIZ
This fucking sucks, can't wait to continue the series in 2025, that is if they sell up to volume 5 and don't cancel the english version that is, but they wouldn't do that right ;).

>REEEEEEEE I want everything for free! I'm entitled to pirated copies of licensed manga!
It's not like they left you with no way to ever read it. If you really care that much just buy the official release when it comes out, you cum-guzzling basement dweller.

It’s translated by Square Enix.

Piss off poor fag. It's not like you can't just pirate the thing from nyaa when it officially comes out anyway.

It's gonna be literal years before they release volume 5 (where we are currently at), stop defending literally anything anyone is complaining about you contrarian.

Do they? It's not like they get anything out of it.

What is their translation track record?

The real problem is that the people with official licenses for this stuff handle it like they're in the stone age and don't put enough time and manpower into getting regular releases done. If it matched the regularity and availability of unofficial fan projects no one would care about paying money.

The only languages worth learning are English, German and Mandarin(As much as it pains me to say it)

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We're not all American and I'm still working 40 hours a week, fuck you

they get donations

That is an issue. When 5 volumes are already out, and you already paid for the license, you may as well catch up within a year in my opinion. I know Viz sped up the translation of MHA because they knew it'd sell, and if that's the case, why not just get what you can out of any license you've already paid for?

O-October right? According to amazon that's when volume 4, which is volumes 7 and 8, should be coming out last I checked.

>he doesnt know
itll get delayed again like it always does

That's fucking gay. Hopefully a third party picks it up.

Holy based user

Then stop donating if they stop translating.

no one on Zig Forums donates to scanlators

>don't like manga
>act like an entitled reader and bully translators
>translators drop manga

Spanish too, especially if you live in the Americas.
French can't hurt either but it's only spoken in France, Switzerland and some nigger countries.

Is a TL group that isn't fucking retarded gonna pick this up?

He already listed French though.